Extension for validating i18n for Ember cli projects with adding peace of functionality for seeing and navigating to translations.. Takes into account current context with showing and navigating only to relevant translations.
Works with:
ember-intl (json format)
In order to get this to work, I needed to make the js object that ember-i18n returns json. i.e be sure to add quotes to all keys and values
Supported features:
Validating handlebar templates against translation files
Hover Popup with showing available translation
Go To particular translation file from the Hover Popup
Generate translation unit(-s) for a single or bulk translation units generating
Remove translation from both the template and the translation file
Features planned but not yet supported:
Yaml support for ember-intl
Go To Definition from html template to relevant translation file
Find All References for showing translation unit usages across html templates
Rename applys changes for both html template and translation file