Easy way to save your important code for later. Tired of searching for that one time you encountered problem in code, to get the solution? No more, with just one click all you code is stored in organized manner, accesible from everywhere in VS Code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Easy way to save your important code for later. Tired of searching for that one time you encountered problem in code, to get the solution? No more, with just one click all you code is stored in organized manner, accesible from everywhere in VS Code.
Save as Script - select text in your VS Code -> right-click -> Save As Script, now text will be parsed, functions separated and stored.
Save As Bundle - select file in VS Code -> right-click -> Save As Bundle, now file will be read, parsed, and bundle will be created containing you parsed functions
Open Code Library - in you command pallete type "Open Code Library", new tab will be opened with your code displayed.