jsAdd |
Adds element to the selected element. |
jsAddBack |
Adds previous set of elements to the selected element. |
jsAddClass |
Adds the specified class/classes wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsAfter |
Inserts your desired content wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsAjax |
For performing an Asynchronous HTTP Ajax. |
jsAjaxDoneFail |
For performing an Asynchronous HTTP Ajax with Done and Fail Condition. |
jsAnimate |
Perform animation on the selected element by passing the parameters. |
jsAppend |
Inserts your desired content for the specific value wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsAppendTo |
Insert your desired content wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsArrFindIndex |
Returns the index of the array element in the array. |
jsArrIsArr |
Checks whether the passed value is an Array. |
jsArrKeys |
Returns an Array Iterator object with the keys of an array. |
jsArrPop |
Removes last element from an array and returns that element. |
jsArrPush |
Adds new element at the end of an array and returns the new length of the array. |
jsArrReduce |
Executes a reducer function for each value of an array. |
jsArrReverse |
Reverses the order of elements in an array. |
jsArrShift |
Removes the first element from an array and returns that removed element. |
jsArrSome |
Checks if any of the elements in an array passes a user defined test and returns Boolean value. |
jsArrSort |
Sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array. |
jsArrUnshift |
Adds one or multiple elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array. |
jsArrValues |
Returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the values for each index in the array. |
jsArrayConcat |
Array Concat method does not change the existing arrays, but returns a new array, containing the values of the joined arrays. |
jsBefore |
Inserts your desired content before the selected element. |
jsBlur |
Event occurs when an element loses focus over the selected element. |
jsCheckVisibility |
Checks whether the selected element is visible or hidden. |
jsCheckboxRadioDisable |
Checkbox/Radio click event can be disabled. |
jsChildren |
Return elements that are direct children of the selected element. |
jsClassToggleSwitch |
Add or remove class/classes from each element in the set of selected match elements. |
jsClearFormData |
Clear/Reset your whole Form Data. |
jsClearQueue |
Removes all items from the queue that has not been run yet. |
jsClick |
Click event occurs when the selected element is clicked. |
jsClone |
Copy whole element wherever it matches with the selected elements. |
jsClosest |
Returns first ancestor element of the selected element. |
jsConAssert |
Prints an error message to the console if the assertion is false. |
jsConClear |
Clears the console. |
jsConDebug |
Prints an output message. |
jsConError |
Prints an error message. |
jsConLog |
Log output to console. |
jsContains |
Checks whether the selected element contains the specified string or not. |
jsContents |
Returns all children and nodes of the selected element. |
jsCss |
Set css/multiple css value on the selected element. |
jsData |
Attaches or get data of the selected element. |
jsDataSetObj |
Returns data with the key-value pair. |
jsDblClick |
Event fired when the selected element has been double clicked. |
jsDeQueue |
Removes the next function from the queue and then executes funcitons after that. |
jsDelay |
Sets a timer to delay the execution of the next function. |
jsDelayRedirect |
Redirects to the new document after delayed interval. |
jsDetach |
Removes the selected element along with its child and nodes too and also keeps copy of removed elements. |
jsDocReady |
Executes function within it when the DOM is fully loaded. |
jsEach |
A general iterator function that iterates through objects and arrays. |
jsEachElement |
Iterate over object's and executes the function for each matched element. |
jsElse |
Else Condition |
jsElseIf |
Else If Condition |
jsEmpty |
Remove all child nodes and content for the selected element. |
jsEq |
Returns element with a specified index number of the selected element. |
jsFadeIn |
To Fade in the hidden selected element. |
jsFadeOut |
To Fade out the selected visible element. |
jsFadeTo |
It gradually changes the opacity of the selected element to a specified opacity. |
jsFadeToggle |
Does the vice versa i.e. if element fadeOut then makes it fadeIn |
jsFilter |
Creates a filter for carrying out desired sorting on the selected array. |
jsFind |
Return descendant elements wherever it matches with the selected element. Descendant element can be its child, grandchild and likely goes. |
jsFinish |
Stops all the running as well as queued animations. |
jsFirst |
Returns the first element of the selected element. |
jsFocus |
Event fired when the selected element gets focus like by navigating to it. |
jsFocusOut |
Event fired when the focus is removed from the selected element. |
jsFunc |
Generate new function in javascript file. |
jsGet |
Returns DOM elements of the selected element. |
jsGetAttr |
Get attribute value of the selected element. |
jsGetCheckboxRadioValId |
Get Checkbox/Radio Value by using Id. |
jsGetCheckboxRadioValName |
Get Checkbox/Radio Value by using Name. |
jsGetData |
Get data attribute value of the selected element set by using data-* attribute. |
jsGetDataStatus |
Get data & status value for the parameter passed. |
jsGetInputValue |
Get Selected Input Value. |
jsGetIpAddress |
Get Client's Ip Address. |
jsGetJson |
Gets JSON Data using an Ajax HTTP Get method. |
jsGetScript |
Get and execute a JavaScript using an AJAX HTTP GET request. |
jsGetSelectedOptionText |
Get Selected Option Text. |
jsGetSelectedOptionVal |
Get Selected Option Value. |
jsGrep |
Finds whether the array has that specified element(s) or not. |
jsHas |
Returns all elements that matches in the selected element. |
jsHasClass |
Checks whether the selected element has the specified class or not. |
jsHeightGet |
Returns height of the first element in the set of matched elements. |
jsHeightSet |
Sets the height of every selected matched elements. |
jsHover |
Similar to that hover as of CSS. |
jsIf |
If Condition |
jsIfElse |
If Else Condition |
jsIFrameReload |
Trigger a reload of an iFrame. |
jsIncludes |
Returns true if an array has specified value or else false. |
jsIndexOf |
Returns the first index at which the selected element matches in the array or -1 if it is not present. |
jsInnerHtml |
Get the HTML content of the first matched element in the selected element's set of matched elements. |
jsInsertAfter |
Insert HTML elements after each matched selected elements. |
jsInsertBefore |
Insert HTML elements before each matched selected elements. |
jsIsEmpty |
Checks whether the selected element has children element(s) or not and returns a boolean value. |
jsIsPlainObj |
Checks whether the selected element has a plain object or not and returns a boolean value. |
jsJSONParse |
It converts text into a JavaScript object |
jsJSONStringify |
It converts a JavaScript object into a string. |
jsKeyDown |
Triggers the keydown event, or attaches a function to run when a keydown event occurs. |
jsKeyPress |
Triggers the keypress event, or attaches a function to run when a keypress event occurs. |
jsKeyUp |
Triggers the keyup event, or attaches a function to run when a keyup event occurs. |
jsLast |
Returns the last element of the selected element. |
jsLastIndexOf |
Returns the last index at which the selected element matches in the array, or -1 if it is not present. |
jsLength |
Returns length of the selected element. |
jsLoad |
Load data from the server and place the returned HTML at the matched selected element. |
jsLoadAfterPageLoaded |
Javascript gets loaded only after the entire page has been loaded. |
jsLowerCase |
Changes the selected element value to Lower Case. |
jsMakeArray |
Takes an object as an input and transforms it into an array. |
jsMap |
Creates a new array using the old array values. |
jsMouseDown |
Event occurs when the left mouse button is pressed down over the selected element. |
jsMouseEnter |
Event occurs when the mouse pointer is over (enters) the selected element. |
jsMouseLeave |
Event occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element. |
jsMouseMove |
Event occurs when the mouse pointer moves within the selected element. |
jsMouseUp |
Event occurs when the left mouse button is released over the selected element. |
jsMouseWheelScroll |
Prevents the page from scrolling down for 30 seconds. |
jsNext |
Returns only first next sibling element of the selected element. |
jsNextAll |
Returns all next sibling elements of the selected element. |
jsNextUntil |
Returns all next sibling elements between the starting and ending element. |
jsNoConflict |
If two different frameworks are using the same shortcut and if we want to use $ sign in both of them, then we can use this and prevent them from getting stopped working. |
jsNot |
Returns the elements that contadicts the passed values of the selected element. |
jsNumIsFinite |
It determines whether the passed value is a finite number or not. |
jsNumIsInteger |
It determines whether the passed value is an integer or not. |
jsNumIsNaN |
It determines whether the passed value is NaN and its type is Number or not. |
jsNumIsSafeInteger |
It determines whether the provided value is a number that is a safe integer. |
jsNumParseFloat |
It parses a string argument and returns a floating point number. |
jsNumToExponential |
It returns a string representing the Number object in exponential notation. |
jsNumToPrecision |
It formats a number using fixed-point notation. |
jsOff |
Removes the event handlers for the selected element. |
jsOffset |
Returns coordinates of the selected element wrt the document. |
jsOffsetParent |
Returns first parent element of the selected element. |
jsOnchangeFunction |
Triggers the change event whenever the value of the selected element changes. |
jsOne |
Call one or more function for the selected element. |
jsOuterHeight |
Returns the outer height of the first matched element. |
jsOuterHtml |
Get the first element in the set of matched elements of the selected element's outer HTML contents. |
jsOuterWidth |
Returns the outer width of the first matched element. |
jsParent |
Return the direct parent element of the selected element. |
jsParents |
Return all ancestor elements of the selected element. |
jsParentsUntil |
Returns all ancestor elements between selected elements. |
jsPosition |
Get the position of the selected element in the set of matched elements with respect to its parent element. |
jsPost |
Load data from the server using a HTTP POST request. |
jsPrepend |
Inserts your desired content for the specific value at the beginning of each element wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsPrependTo |
Insert your desired content at the beginning of each element wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsPrev |
Returns previous sibling element of the selected element. |
jsPrevAll |
Returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element. |
jsPrevRightClick |
Right Click can be disabled in your whole document. |
jsPromise |
Promise Statement |
jsPromiseAll |
Takes multiple iterable promises and returns a single promise. |
jsPromiseCatch |
Returns a Promise and delas with rejected ones. |
jsPromiseReject |
Returns a Promise that is rejected due to some specific reason. |
jsPromiseResolve |
Returns a Promise that is resolved with the specific value. |
jsPromiseThen |
Promise Then takes two arguments a callback for success and another for failure. |
jsProp |
Sets property for the selected element. |
jsProxy |
Takes value from an existing function and returns new one with particular context of the selected element. |
jsQueue |
Keeps the functions in queue that are waiting to get executed. |
jsRefreshPage |
Refreshes the Current Web Page. |
jsRemoveAttr |
Remove attribute value wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsRemoveClass |
Removes the specified class/classes wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsRemoveData |
Remove data attribute value wherever it matches with the selected element set by using data-* attribute. |
jsRemoveProp |
Removes property set by using the jsProp. |
jsReplace |
Replace your old string with the your desired content wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsReplaceAll |
Replace your desired content wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsReplaceWith |
Replace each specified value in the set wherever it matches with the selected element with the content that you want to replace with and appends the replaced value with the selected element that was removed. |
jsReset |
Resets form for the selected form Id. |
jsResize |
Event fired when browser's window size changes. |
jsScroll |
Triggers the scroll event on the selected element. |
jsScrollLeft |
Returns horizontal scrollbar position of the selected element. |
jsScrollTop |
Returns vertical scrollbar position of the selected element. |
jsSerialize |
Get your whole form data in string format. |
jsSerializeArray |
Get your whole form data in arrays format. |
jsSetAttr |
Set attribute value wherever it matches with the selected element. |
jsSetCheckboxRadioValId |
Set Checkbox/Radio Value by using Id. |
jsSetCheckboxRadioValName |
Set Checkbox/Radio Value by using Name. |
jsSetData |
Set data attribute value wherever it matches with the selected element set by using data-* attribute. |
jsSetDefaultDate |
Set default date in Jquery UI Datepicker. |
jsSetHref |
Set Href. |
jsSetImmediate |
Breaks long operations and callabcks the function immediately. |
jsSetInputValue |
Set Selected Input Value. |
jsSetInterval |
Executes a function at specific Intervals. |
jsSetOptionValue |
Set Selected Option Value. |
jsSetPropChecked |
Set Checkbox/Radio Value to be true. |
jsSetTimeout |
Executes a function at specific milliseconds and would be executed only once and won't be repeated. |
jsSiblings |
Returns all sibling elements of the selected element.Also multiple filters can be applied to it. |
jsSlice |
Returns the subset of elements based on its index. |
jsSlideDown |
Slides-down the selected elements. |
jsSlideDownFull |
Slides-down the selected elements after specified time interval. |
jsSlideToggle |
Toggles between jsSlideUp and jsSlideDown. |
jsSlideToggleFull |
Toggles between jsSlideUp and jsSlideDown after specified time interval. |
jsSlideUp |
Slides-up the selected elements. |
jsSlideUpFull |
Slides-up the selected elements after specified time interval. |
jsStop |
Stop an event or function abruptly before its execution completes. |
jsStopLoad |
When you don’t want links to go to a certain page or even reload it, we want them to do something else like trigger some other script and in that case this piece of code will do the trick of preventing the default action. |
jsStrCharCodeAt |
Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index in a string. |
jsStrCodePointAt |
Returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified index in a string. |
jsStrEndsWith |
It checks whether a string ends with the characters of a specified string and returns true/false. |
jsStrLength |
Get length of the selected element. |
jsStrMatch |
Returns the result of matching a string against for the specified regular expression. |
jsStrMatchAll |
Returns an iterator of all results matching a string against a regular expression. |
jsStrNormalize |
Removes empty Text nodes, and joins adjacent Text nodes. |
jsStrPadEnd |
Adds padding from the end of the selected string. |
jsStrPadStart |
Adds padding from the start of the selected string. |
jsStrRepeat |
Returns a new string which contains the concatenated string. |
jsStrReplace |
Returns a new string with replaced text. |
jsStrSearch |
It searches for a match between a regular expression and the string. |
jsStrSplit |
Splits a string object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings, using a specified separator string to determine where to make each split. |
jsStrStartsWith |
Determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified string and returns true/false. |
jsStrSubstring |
Returns the part of the string between the start and end indexes, or to the end of the string. |
jsStrToArr |
Split the selected element string to an array. |
jsStrTrimEnd |
It removes whitespace from the end of a string. |
jsStrTrimStart |
It removes whitespace from the beginning of a string. |
jsSubmit |
Submits form for the selected form Id. |
jsSwitch |
Switch Case to select one of many code blocks to be executed. |
jsTextboxDisable |
Set textbox to be disabled. |
jsToggleClass |
Modifies CSS classes on HTML elements for the selected element. |
jsToStr |
Converts a number to string. |
jsTrim |
Removes white-spaces from each end of the string of the selected element. |
jsTryCatch |
Try statement allows you to define a block of code to be tested for errors while it is being executed. |
jsTryCatchFinally |
Catch statement allows you to define a block of code to be executed, if an error occurs in the try block. |
jsTryFinally |
Finally statement lets you execute code, after try and catch, regardless of the result. |
jsUnload |
Unload an event. |
jsUnwrap |
Removes parent element of the selected element. |
jsUpperCase |
Changes the selected element value to Upper Case. |
jsValueOf |
Returns the value of a string. |
jsWrap |
Wraps an HTML element individually in the set of matched elements. |
jsWrapAll |
Wraps an HTML element within a group in the set of matched elements. |