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Included ExtensionsApollo GraphQLRich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform. Auto ImportAutomatically finds, parses and provides code actions and code completion for all available imports. Works with Typescript and TSX. Auto Rename TagThis one automatically renames the corresponding tag that you modify. This is just a helpful time-saver. Better CommentsImprove your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more! BookmarksMark lines and jump to them. Blockman - Highlight Nested Code BlocksMark/Highlight code blocks change-caseQuickly change the case (camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE, snake_case, etc) of the current selection or current word. Code Spell CheckerSpelling checker for source code. CSS PeekAllow peeking to css ID and class strings as definitions from html files to respective CSS. Allows peek and goto definition. Color HighlightHighlight web colors in your editor. DiffDiff 2 opened files with ease. Because running DockerMakes it easy to create, manage, and debug containerized applications. DotEnvSupport for dotenv file syntax Error LensImprove highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics. ESLintIntegrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code. Font Awesome Auto-complete & PreviewAutocomplete & preview Font Awesome icons in any language. Git Extension PackPopular Visual Studio Code extensions for Git. GitHub Pull Requests and IssuesPull Request and Issue Provider for GitHub. GitLens — Git superchargedSupercharge Git within VS Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via rich visualizations and powerful comparison commands, and so much more HTML to CSS / LESS / SCSSCopy HTML code and paste it as CSS / LESS / SCSS selectors code. htmltagwrapWraps selected code with HTML tags. HTML SCSS SupportSCSS support for HTML documents. Image previewShows image preview in the gutter and on hover. IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTMLCSS class name completion for the HTML class attribute based on the definitions found in your workspace. indent-rainbowMakes indentation easier to read. javascript console utilsHelp insert and remove console.(*) statements. JestUse Facebook's Jest With Pleasure. JSON to TSConvert JSON object to typescript interfaces. Live Sass CompilerCompile Sass or Scss to CSS at realtime with live browser reload. Live ServerLaunch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages. Markdown Preview Github StylingChanges VS Code's built-in markdown preview to match Github's style. MinifyAllMinifier for JSON, CSS, HTML, XML, TWIG, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, JSONC, and JavaScriptReact(testing). Compressor of files and folders. You will love its simplicity!. Multi Line tricksEnable Alt+L (line select) and Alt+Shift+L (selection to multi-cursor) behavior on VSCode. Move TS - Move TypeScript files and update relative importsextension for moving typescript files and folders and updating relative imports in your workspace. Next.js snippetssnippets for nextjs One Monokai ThemeA cross between Monokai and One Dark theme. open in browserThis allows you to open the current file in your default browser or application. Open in GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, !Jump to a source code line in Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, !. px to remConverts px to rem, and vice versa. Prettier - Code formatterCode formatter using prettier. Paste JSON as CodeCopy JSON, paste as Go, TypeScript, C#, C++ and more. Path IntellisenseVisual Studio Code plugin that auto completes filenames Remove CommentsRemove all comments from your code at once! Unclutter and undocument your code in one go! REST ClientREST Client for Visual Studio Code. Search node_modulesQuickly search the node_modules folder. SCSS IntelliSenseAdvanced autocompletion and refactoring support for SCSS. Svg PreviewPreview for Svg files. JavaScript, Python, Java, Typescript & all other languages - AI Code completion plugin. Tabnine makes developers more productive by auto-completing their code. Thunder ClientLightweight Rest API Client for VS Code Template String ConverterConverts a string to a template string when ${ is typed. vscode-fakerGenerate fake data for name, address, lorem ipsum, commerce and much more. Visual Studio Code Commitizen Supportcommitizen - git commit with conventions. Visual Studio IntelliCodeAI-assisted development. VS Color PickerA tiny & smart color picker for web developer. VS HTML to CSSGenerate CSS classes from HTML structure. Visual Studio KeymapPopular Visual Studio keybindings for VS Code. |