Feature -1 set up REPL 1)node 2)For array odd and even const array=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] const evenNumbers=array.filter((i)={return i%2==0}); const oddNumbers=array.filter((i)={return i%2!=0}); oddNumbers() Feature-2 a) Using built in fs modules to do basic file operations Code: const fs=require('fs'); //Read the file const data=fs.readFileSync('hello.txt','utf-8'); console.log("Data inside file is : " , data); //Write into the file fs.writeFileSync('hello.txt','This will overwrite the file'); console.log("Data after writing the file : ", fs.readFileSync('hello.txt','utf-8')); //Append the file fs.appendFileSync('hello.txt',' \n This is appended text.',()=*{ console.log("data append successfully")} ); console.log('file after appending new text : ',fs.readFileSync('hello.txt','utf-8')); //Rename the file fs.rename('hello.txt','hello2.txt',()=*{}); //Delete the file fs.unlink('hello2.txt',()=*{}); c) Creating a user module to convert currencies. Code: coverterModule.js //Module Code const exchangeRates = { USD: { INR: 84.0, EUR: 0.94, GBP: 0.81, }, INR: { USD: 0.012, EUR: 0.011, GBP: 0.0098, }, EUR: { USD: 1.06, INR: 89.0, GBP: 0.86, }, GBP: { USD: 1.24, INR: 109.76, EUR: 1.17, }, }; const convertCurrency=(amount,from,to)={ const fromCurrency=from.toUpperCase(); const toCurrency=to.toUpperCase(); console.log(fromCurrency,toCurrency) if(exchangeRates[fromCurrency] && exchangeRates[fromCurrency][toCurrency]){ const conversionRate=exchangeRates[fromCurrency][toCurrency]; const converted=amountconversionRate;
} module.exports={convertCurrency} converter.js //Main code const {convertCurrency}=require('./currencyConverter'); const amountInINR=convertCurrency(100,'USD','INR'); console.log( const EURInINR=convertCurrency(100,'EUR','INR'); console.log( const INRInGBP=convertCurrency(100,'INR','GBP'); console.log( b) Program using third party modules using npm Code: const express = require ('express'); const app=express(); const port=3000; app.get('/',(req,res)=*{ res.send("Hello World "); }) app.listen(port,()=*{
console.log( d) Using the path module Code : const path = require('path'); const filePath = 'C:/Users/HP/Documents/WT Assigments/Excercise-2/path.js'; const baseName = path.basename(filePath); console.log('Base Name:', baseName); const dirName = path.dirname(filePath); console.log('Directory Name:', dirName); const joinedPath = path.join(baseName, 'user', 'docs', 'newfile.txt'); console.log('Joined Path:', joinedPath); const extName = path.extname(filePath); console.log('Extension Name:', extName); const isAbs = path.isAbsolute(filePath); console.log('Is Absolute Path:', isAbs); e) Program using fs module to perform non-blocking I/O Code: const fs=require('fs') fs.readFile('hello2.txt','utf-8',(err,data)=*{ if(err){ console.log("Error while reading file . \n"+err) }
}) //called before I/O operation console.log("This will display before content") f) Using built in http module to serve different file types xampp const http = require('http') const server = http.createServer((request, response) =* {
response.statusCode = 200;
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
response.write( const hostname = 'localhost' const port = 5001 server.listen(port, hostname, () =* {
console.log( //for pdf server.pdf const http=require('http') const fs=require('fs') const path=require('path') const hostname='localhost' const port=6969 const server=http.createServer((req,res)={ if(req.url==='/pdf'){ const filepath=path.join(__dirname,'ilove.pdf') fs.readFile(filepath,(err,content)={ if(err){ res.writeHead(500,{'content-Type':'text/plain'}) res.end('Server Error') } else{ res.writeHead(200,{'content-Type':'application/pdf'}) res.end(content) } }) } else{ res.writeHead(500,{'content-Type':'text/plain'}) res.end('Bhagg Jaa D.K Bose') } }) server.listen(port, hostname, () =* {
console.log( videofile.js const http=require('http') const fs=require('fs') const path=require('path') const hostname='localhost' const port=6971 const server=http.createServer((req,res)={ if(req.url==='/video'){ const filepath=path.join(__dirname,'jethalal.mp4') fs.readFile(filepath,(err,content)={ if(err){ res.writeHead(500,{'Content-Type':'text/plain'}) res.end('Server Error') } else{ res.writeHead(200,{'Content-Type':'video/mp4'}) res.end(content) } }) } else{ res.writeHead(500,{'Content-Type':'text/plain'}) res.end('Bhagg Jaa D.K Bose') } }) server.listen(port, hostname, () =* {
console.log( Feature-3 open xammp create db and table insert/update/select/delete operation in one file const mysql=require('mysql2'); //create a connection to the database const conn=mysql.createConnection({ host:'localhost', user:'root', password:'', database:'db_name' }) conn.connect((err)=*{
}) const p1=[{Pid:6,Pname:'fridge',Pcat:'Electricals',Price:20000,Pstock:10}, {Pid:5,Pname:'TV',Pcat:'Electricals',Price:25000,Pstock:15}]; //Insert query conn.query("insert into product SET ?",p1,(err,res)=*{
}) conn.query("SELECT * FROM product",(err,res)=*{ if(err){ console.log("Error while query the database ",err); return ; } console.log(res); }) conn.query("DELETE FROM product WHERE Pid=?",4,(err,res)=*{ if(err){ console.log("error"); return; }
}) //updating table conn.query('update product set price = ? where pid= ?',[50000,3],(err,results)=*{ if(err){ console.log("error updating table") } console.log('Updated the table '); }) conn.end(); Feature-4 a) Create a Node.js script that emits an event only if an element in an array is even, and handle that event with a listener. const EventEmitter=require("events") const emitter=new EventEmitter() const number=[1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log( number.forEach((number)=* { if(number%2===0){ emitter.emit('evenNumber',number) } }); b) Create a Node.js script that emits an event when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold and handle that event. const EventEmitter=require("events") const emitter=new EventEmitter() const temperatureThreshold = 30; const temperatures = [25, 28, 31, 29, 35]; emitter.on('highTemperature', (temp) =* {
console.log( temperatures.forEach((temp) =* { if (temp * temperatureThreshold) { emitter.emit('highTemperature', temp); } }); c) A simple chat application that emits events when a user joins and sends messages. const event=require("events") const emitter=new event(); let users={}
console.log( }) emitter.on('message',(username,message)=*{
console.log( emitter.emit('joined','Chana') emitter.emit('message','Chana','Boht Shana h') emitter.emit('joined','Emiway') emitter.emit('message','Emiway','MACHAYENGE') emitter.emit('message','Drake','Not Like Us') d) Node js Script to resend OTP after 10 sec use timers and events/countdown timer let counterdown=10
const timerid=setInterval(()={
},1000) e) Create a Node.js script that emits an event on file upload progress. Include the concept of timers. const event = require('events'); const emitter = new event(); const totalSize = 100; emitter.on('progress', (uploaded) =* { console.log(Uploaded ${uploaded}/${totalSize} MB); if (uploaded === totalSize) { console.log('Upload complete!'); } }); let uploaded = 0; const interval = setInterval(() =* { uploaded += 10; emitter.emit('progress', uploaded);
}, 1000); Feature-5(REACT start) for create app:npx create-react-app appname if npx does not work use npm i create-react-app npm create-react-app appname
Header.js import React from 'react' const Header = (props) =* { return (
) } export default Header APP.js import react from 'react' import Header from './components/Header' function Greeting(){ return(
) } function App(){ return(
) } export default App
const add=()=*{ return props.n1+props.n2 } const sub=()=*{ return props.n1-props.n2 } const pro=()=*{ return props.n1*props.n2 } const div=()=*{ return props.n1/props.n2 } return( div pAddition : {add()}p pSubtraction : {sub()}p pMultiplication : {pro()}p pDivision : {div()}p div ) } App.js all other will be same Calculator n1={10} n2={20}/ 3)A react application to create a product page using functional component and props product.js import React from 'react' import './Product.css' import pop from '../vimbar.jpg' export function Product(props){ return( *div className='product'*a href={props.link}
img src={"props.u"} alt='VIM BAR' height={100} width={150} * img a h4**h4 p**p h4 className="product-title"{props.name}h4 p className="product-description"{props.desc}p h4 className="product-price"{props.price}h4 div ) } app.js in App(){ div className="App" h1PRODUCTSh1 *div className='products' * *Product link="redirect link" image={imagelink} name="Ghadi" desc="Pehle istemal kare, fir Vishwas kare" price="$5" /* div div }
import React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; function UseStateHook(){ const [count,setCounter]=useState(0) const increment=()=*{ setCounter(count+1) } return ( div h1Program using hooks useState: Counter apph1 h1You clicked {count} times h1 button onClick={increment}incrementbutton br/ div ) } include this in app.js
export const Counter=()=*{ const[count,setCount]=useState(0); const handleIncrease=() =*{ setCount(count+1); }; const handleReset=() =*{ setCount(0); }; const handleDecrease=() =*{ setCount(count-1); }; return( div className="counter" h1Counter Apph1 button onClick={handleIncrease}INCREASEbutton br/ *p *Count:{count}p br/ button onClick={handleDecrease}Decreasebutton**br/ button onClick={handleReset}RESETbutton div ) }
export const Alert=()=*{ const [count,setCount]=useState(0); useEffect(()=*{
document.title= },[count]) return( div h1**h1 pClick Countp *button onClick={()=setCount(count+1)}Click Mebutton div ) } 7)A React Application using useEffect hook to display Employee Information as entered in the Form import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; const EmployeeForm = () =* { const [employee, setEmployee] = useState({ name: '', position: '', department: '' }); const [submittedEmployee, setSubmittedEmployee] = useState(null); const handleChange = (e) =* { const { name, value } = e.target; setEmployee((prevEmployee) =* ({ ...prevEmployee, [name]: value, })); }; const handleSubmit = (e) =* { e.preventDefault(); setSubmittedEmployee(employee); }; useEffect(() =* { if (submittedEmployee) { console.log('Employee submitted:', submittedEmployee); } }, [submittedEmployee]); return ( div form onSubmit={handleSubmit} labelName:label input type="text" name="name" value={employee.name} onChange={handleChange} /brbr labelPosition:label input type="text" name="position" value={employee.position} onChange={handleChange} /brbr labelDepartment:label input type="text" name="department" value={employee.department} onChange={handleChange} /brbr button type="submit"Submitbutton form {submittedEmployee && ( div h2Employee Informationh2 pName: {submittedEmployee.name}p**br/ pPosition: {submittedEmployee.position}p**br/ pDepartment: {submittedEmployee.department}p**br/ div )} div ); }; export default EmployeeForm; Feature 6 1)A react application to create a class component that increment/decrement a counter Counter.js: import React from "react"; import './Counter.css' export class Counter extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state={ count:props.start } } increment=()=*{ this.setState({count:this.state.count+1}); } decrement=()=*{ this.setState({count:this.state.count-1}); } render(){ return( div h1Counter :{this.state.count}h1 button className="btn" onClick={this.increment}Incrementbutton button className="btn" onClick={this.decrement}Decrementbutton div ) } } App.js: import { Counter } from "./class/Counter"; import './App.css' import { Greeting } from "./class/Greeting"; import React from 'react' class App extends React.Component{ render(){ return div className="App" Greeting name="Lokesh"/ Counter start={10}/ div }; } export default App
Counter.js: import React from "react"; import './Counter.css' export class Counter extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state={ count:props.start, text: "" } } increment=()=*{ this.setState({count:this.state.count+1}); } decrement=()=*{ this.setState({count:this.state.count-1}); } handleOnChange=(event)=*{ this.setState({text:event.target.value}) } render(){ const textareaStyle = { width: '30%', height: '100px', padding: '10px', fontSize: '16px', borderRadius: '5px', border: '1px solid #ccc' }; return( div h1Counter :{this.state.count}h1 button className="btn" onClick={this.increment}Incrementbutton *button className="btn" onClick={this.decrement}Decrementbutton**br/*br/ *textarea style={textareaStyle} className="form-control" onChange={this.handleOnChange}*textarea p{this.state.text.length} CHARACTERSp div ) } } 3)A React App to demonstrate Life Cycle of React. Applifecycle.js import React, { useState } from 'react'; import '../App.css'; // Assuming you have some styles here import ComponentA from './ComponentA'; import ComponentB from './ComponentB'; const AppLifecycle = () =* { const [showComponentA, setShowComponentA] = useState(true); const toggleComponent = () =* { const currentValue = showComponentA; // Store current value setShowComponentA(!currentValue); //toggle }; return ( div className="AppLifecycle" h1App Lifecycle h1 button onClick={toggleComponent} {showComponentA ? 'Show Component B' : 'Show Component A'} button {showComponentA ? ComponentA / : ComponentB /} div ); }; ComponentA.js // ComponentA.js import React from 'react'; class ComponentA extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); console.log('Component A: Constructor'); } componentDidMount() { console.log('Component A: componentDidMount'); } componentDidUpdate() { console.log('Component A: componentDidUpdate'); } componentWillUnmount() { console.log('Component A: componentWillUnmount'); } render() { console.log('render: Rendering the component A'); return h3This is Component Ah3; } } export default ComponentA; ComponentB.js: // ComponentB.js import React from 'react'; class ComponentB extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); console.log('Component B: Constructor'); } componentDidMount() { console.log('Component B: componentDidMount'); } componentDidUpdate() { console.log('Component B: componentDidUpdate'); } componentWillUnmount() { console.log('Component B: componentWillUnmount'); } render() { console.log('render: Rendering the componentB'); return h3This is Component Bh3; } } export default ComponentB; 4)A React Form App to display user Preferences (use Controlled and Uncontrolled components) import React, { useState } from "react"; const FormsDemo=()=*{ const [inputvalues,setInputValues]=useState({ name:"", course:"MCA", lang:"" }) const handleChangeInput=(e)=*{ setInputValues({...inputvalues,[e.target.name]:e.target.value}) } const handleSubmit=(e)=*{ e.preventDefault() alert(` name : ${inputvalues.name}\n course:${inputvalues.course}\n language : ${inputvalues.lang} `) } return ( ** h6A React Form App to display user Preferences (controlled form)h6 form onSubmit={handleSubmit} labelName :label *input type="text" value={inputvalues.name} name="name" onChange={(e)=handleChangeInput(e)} / br/ labelCourse : label *select onChange={(e)=*handleChangeInput(e)} name="course" * option value={"MCA"}MCAoption option value={"MMS"}MMSoption option value={"PGDM"}PGDMoption select br/ labelchoose language : label**br/ *label htmlFor='english'*English label *input type="radio" id="english" name="lang" value={"english"} onChange={(e)=handleChangeInput(e)}/ label htmlFor='spanish'Spanishlabel *input type="radio" id="spanish" name="lang" value={"spanish"} onChange={(e)=*handleChangeInput(e)}/*br/ *button type="submit"*submit button form ** ) } export default FormsDemo; Uncontrolled form : import React, { useRef, useState } from "react"; const FormsDemo1=()=*{ const nameRef=useRef(null); const courseRef=useRef(null) const langRef=useRef([]) const handleSubmit=(e)=*{ e.preventDefault() alert(` name : ${nameRef.current.value}\n course:${courseRef.current.value}\n language : ${getSelectedValue()} \n `) } const getSelectedValue=()=*{ const selectradio=langRef.current.find(radio=* radio.checked) if(selectradio){ return selectradio.value } } return ( *form onSubmit={(e)=handleSubmit(e)} labelName :label input type="text" ref={nameRef} name="name" / br/ labelCourse : label *select name="course" ref={courseRef} * option value={"MCA"}MCAoption option value={"MMS"}MMSoption option value={"PGDM"}PGDMoption select br/ labelchoose language : label**br/ *label htmlFor='english'*English label input type="radio" id="english" name="lang" value={"english"} ref={el = langRef.current[0] = el}/* label htmlFor='spanish'Spanishlabel input type="radio" id="spanish" name="lang" value={"spanish"} ref={el = langRef.current[1] = el}/*br/ *button type="submit"*submit button form ) } export default FormsDemo1
import React, { useState } from "react"; export default function ValidationForm() { const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ fname: '', lname: '', email: '' }); const [error, setError] = useState({ fname: '', lname: '' }); const [buttonDisable, setDisable] = useState(true); const handleChange = (event) =* { const { name, value } = event.target; setFormData({ ...formData, [name]: value }); if (name === 'fname' || name === 'lname') { if (value.length * 5) { setError({ ...error, [name]: 'Must have at least 5 characters' }); } else { setError({ ...error, [name]: '' }); } } setDisable(!formData.fname || !formData.lname || error.fname || error.lname); }; const handleSubmit = (event) =* { event.preventDefault(); alert( }; return ( form onSubmit={handleSubmit} p label First Name: input type="text" name="fname" value={formData.fname} onChange={handleChange} / label p {error.fname && div style={{ color: 'red' }}{error.fname}div} p label Last Name: input type="text" name="lname" value={formData.lname} onChange={handleChange} / label p {error.lname && div style={{ color: 'red' }}{error.lname}div} p label Email: input type="email" name="email" value={formData.email} onChange={handleChange} / label p button type="submit" disabled={buttonDisable}Submitbutton form ); } 6.A React app to perform routing (SPA) Home.js import React from 'react' const Home = () =* { return ( div h1 Home h1 div ) } export default Home Contact.js import React from 'react' const Contact = () =* { return ( div h1Contact Ush1 div ) } export default Contact Aboutus.js import React from 'react' export const Aboutus = () =* { return ( div h1About Ush1 div ) } App.js: import React from 'react' import {BrowserRouter, Link, Route, Routes} from 'react-router-dom' import Home from './components/Home' import { Aboutus } from './components/Aboutus' import Contact from './components/Contact' import ControlForm from './forms/ControlForm'; import { Counter } from './class/Counter' import { Product } from './components/Product' function App () { return ( BrowserRouter nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light" a class="navbar-brand" href="#"Navbara button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNav" aria-controls="navbarNav" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation" *span class="navbar-toggler-icon"*span button div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav" ul class="navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0 gap-2" li class="nav-item active" *a class="nav-link" href="/home"*Home span class="sr-only"(current)span**a li li class="nav-item" a class="nav-link" href="/counter"Countera li li class="nav-item" a class="nav-link" href="/product"Productsa li li class="nav-item" a class="nav-link" href="/controlform"Control Forma li li class="nav-item" a class="nav-link" href="/contact"Contact Usa li li class="nav-item" a class="nav-link" href="/aboutus"About Usa li ul div nav div Routes Route path='/home' element={Home/}/ Route path='/aboutus' element={Aboutus/}/ Route path='/contact' element={Contact/}/ Route path='/counter' element={Counter start={10}/}/ Route path='/product' element={Product/}/ Route path='/controlform' element={ControlForm /}/ Routes div BrowserRouter ) } export default App |