Doxygen comments linter lints all Doxygen comments in the active editor and
highlights any formatting errors encountered.
Configuration options.
Set "doctidy.enforceVerticalSpacingBetweenTags": true in user settings to
enforce the linter to highlight missing empty lines between Doxygen tags.
Set "doctidy.highlightColor": <hex color code> to override the default
highlight color.
Set "doctidy.overviewRulerColor": <hex color code> to override the default
overview ruler highlight color.
Set "doctidy.enforceParamDirection": true in user settings to
enforce the linter to highlight param tags without direction specifiers.
Set "doctidy.enforceCommentsEndWithPeriods": true in user settings to
enforce the linter to highlight all comments which do not end with a period.
Set "doctidy.requireSpacingBeforeCodeBlocks": true in user settings to
enforce the linter to highlight code blocks which are not have vertical spacing.