Make sure your enviromental variable is GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = KEYPATH
Change KEYPATH to the path to your JSON key file
Installation & Dependencies
Clone this repo
To download dependencies, run npm install
In addition, this module requires you to globally install SoX and it must be available in your $PATH.
For Mac OS
brew install sox
For most linux disto's
sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all
Update the file path in extension.js to reflect your Google Cloud KeyID and file path to the downloaded JSON file.
Current Snippet Library & How to Activate Snippet
anonymous function
arrow function
destructure object
destructure array
Creating Snippets - Contribute to our Library
1.) Go into the snippets directory and create a file containing the function that you would like to be a snippet. The function will need to be exported.
2.) Within your src folder open snippet-list.js and add your snippet in order to be recognized and in order to have it called via the voice activation.
3.) The main-handler will break down your voice entry and pass it to the insert handler which will insert your snippet into the text editor.
Debug logging is implemented with visionmedia/debug