Fork of Azure AD B2C extensionThis a fork from Pretty much the same thing except I wanted to add feature to expand environments specificities. The context: You have one code that build 3 envs using the default extension The issue: Let's say you need to define external IDPs in the code as technical profile... Then alls IDP will be in all environnements, What if you wanted to use some IDPs only in dev, and some only in prod ? The fix: This version of the extension allows to use list in appsettings.json How it works: in your xml files, use the following syntax up to 9 args:
MylistName, arg name can be freely set in app settings.json :
Azure AD B2C extensionThe Azure AD B2C extension for VS Code lets you quickly navigate through Azure AD B2C custom policies. Create elements like technical profiles and claim definitions. For more information, see Get started with custom policies. Get startedTo start working with your custom policy, open Visual Studio Code, and then open the folder that contains your custom policy XML files. Or, open the policy XML files directly from any folder. Azure AD B2C custom policy featuresPolicy uploadYou can now upload your policy directly from VS Code. Autocomplete
With the autocomplete feature, you can save time when customizing a B2C policy. The B2C extension provides you with a list of the policy settings, claims, technical profiles, and claims transformations aggregated from your policy files. Select one of the following attributes and press Custom policy explorerFrom the Custom policy explorer, click the XML element type and select the element you want to open. The Custom policy explorer shows elements from the selected file only. Go to definition and find all referencesTo go to any XML element definition. To search for references in the opened folder XML files or any XML file you open with VS Code, select Find All References, or press Adding XML elementsYou can add following elements to your policy. Make sure your cursor is located in the correct location.
Orchestration steps renumberingThe B2C Renumber policy ( Smart Copy & PasteWhen you customize an XML element in the extension policy, Smart Copy allows you to copy the entire element with its parent's elements from the base policy. For example, when you copy the AAD-UserWriteUsingAlternativeSecurityId technical profile, Smart Copy generates an XML snippet containing the following elements so you don't need to search for the parent's element, such as the claim provider.
By contrast, the Smart Paste feature pastes from the clipboard only the necessary elements. Given the above XML and assuming your extension policy already has a claims provider named
Help and more informationAfter you run the commands, the B2C extension shows you an informational message with a link to relevant article. XML Schema quick helpHover your mouse cursor over any XML tag name to see its description. Application InsightsCollect logs from Azure AD B2C and diagnose problems with the Azure AD B2C VS Code extension. Read more here. The logs are organized by the policy name, correlation Id (the application insights presents the first digit of the correlation Id), and the log timestamp. This allows you to find the relevant log based on the local timestamp and see the user journey as executed by Azure AD B2C. Policy settingsAllows you to manage the values of your Azure AD B2C environments. When you execute the B2C Policy build command, the VS Code extension finds and replaces the values of your settings with the ones configured in the policy file, and creates a directory that contains all of your policy files (after the replacement). In the following example, the extension replaces the keys with the values configured in the
The configuration
To build your policy, type In your policy, you can use one of the following settings:
The first time you run the B2C Policy build command, the VS code extension lets you create the
You can add or remove environments, keys, and values to accommodate your needs. For example, you can add new settings like the URL of a REST API endpoint, Google+ app Id, or URL of content definitions. You can also add a new environment, such as pre-prod. Make sure you provide the same set of keys (with the relevant values) for each environment. In the following example, we add the Pre-Production environment and new set of key-values.
Get B2C application IDsThis command retrieves application ids of applications used in IEF policies and stores them in the appSettings.json file. It retrives application ids for the IEF client and resource apps (used in the login-NonInteractive Technical Profile) and application id and object id of the B2C Extensions app (used in the AAD-Common Technical Profile if needed to to store custom claims as extension attributes in B2C). The command retrieves the values for each B2C tenant identified in the appSettings.json, as per the following example. You can then reference these values using Policy Settings build command described earlier. To execute the command press Shift+Ctrl+P and select the 'B2C appSettings: get app ids' option. Your B2C VSCode Extensions app needs to given Directory.ReadAll delegated permission and consented to in each B2C tenant by its administrator.
After the command is completed, you will find the exported policies under the Environment folder. Important: Before you upload the policy to your Azure AD B2C tenant, check the values of the exported policy files. DisclaimerThis extension is developed and managed by the open-source community on GitHub. The extension is not part of Azure AD B2C product and is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The extension is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. For any issues, visit the GitHub repository. |