Quickly find the values for i18n keys in your project. Hover over any text or use a command to view the associated value from the public/locales/index.json file.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
This Visual Studio Code extension provides hover information for i18n keys in JavaScript, TypeScript, and their React variants. When you hover over a key formatted like 'namespace:key:subkey', the extension displays the corresponding translations in Korean (ko-KR) and English (en-US).
Hover over i18n keys to see translations in ko-KR and en-US.
Supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and their React variants.
Open a JavaScript, TypeScript, or React file.
Run the extension by press Ctrl+Shift+P and type start AENTS i18n key finder.
Hover over an i18n key formatted like 'namespace:key:subkey'.
The hover tooltip will display the translations in ko-KR and en-US.
The extension currently does not have any configurable settings. Future versions may include options for customizing the hover display.