abk-light README 📖
The ABK Light theme was created for VS Code in order to provide a more engaging user experience for programmers who prefer bold colors and easier visual cues.
How to install 🛠️
Option 1: VS Code (automatic)
- Open Visual Studio Code
- Go to the Extensions panel:
- Click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window
- Or, press 'Ctrl+Shift+X' on Windows/Linux, 'Cmd+Shift+X' on macOS
- Search for "ABK Light Theme":
- Use the search bar to find "ABK Light Theme" by ABK Design
- Click "Install":
- Click on the Install button to install the theme.
Option 2: Manual installation (for development)
If you are developing the them and/or need to manually install it:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anniekoop/abk-light-theme.git
- Navigate to the extension directory
cd abk-light-theme
- Install the extension
npm install -g vsce
vsce package
code --install-extension abk-light-theme-0.0.1.vsix
- Restart Visual Studio Code
Close and reopen VS Code to load the new theme.
Usage 🎨
- Open Visual Studio Code
- Go to 'File > Preferences > Color Theme':
Or use the shortcut 'Ctrl+K Ctrl+T' on Windows/Linux, 'Cmd+K Cmd+T' on macOS.
- Select "ABK Light"
Choose "ABK Light" from the list of available themes.
Contributing ✍️
If you would like to contribute to the development of the ABK Light Theme, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository:
Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the GitHub page.
Clone your forked repository:
git clone https://github.com/anniekoop/abk-light-theme.git
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b feature-or-bugfix-name
- Make your changes and commit them:
git add .
git commit -m "Description of your changes"
- Push your changes to GitHub:
git push origin feature-or-bugfix-name
- Create a pull request:
Go to the original repository on GitHub and click the "New pull request" button.
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Credits ©
Developed by Annie Koop