A Visual Studio code plugin to easily manage issues in a git hub repository
How to start
git clone
npm install
cd gh-code
code .
start debugging
It will launch a vs code instance with the extension
How to use
Copy plugin folder to your ~/.vscode/extensions/ folder
Copy plugin folder to the .vscode/extensions folder
And it will be available in your plugins.
Getting a list of issues
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
clicking on each list item will open a window with the issue info
Getting a list of milestones
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
will open up a window with a list of milestones with details on each milestones
Adding meta data
When you open a local repo. It automatically tries to retrive the origin url from the git meta data. But there can be situations you need to add a different origin url. Or if the local repository is not created by the git clone command an origin url wouldn't be exist. In such cases you have to add origin url
When you need to add labels or add comment etc. you have to be authenticated with the github. So you have to provide a token or your password. we strongly recommand a token.
Adding token or password
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
ghc-token add
Enter the token or password in the input box.
Ctrl + R to restart the window
Adding origin URL
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
ghc-origin set url
Enter the origin url in the input box
Ctrl + R to restart the window
Adding a label on an issue
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
ghc-issues labels add
Enter issue number followed by # and a space and the label name
Removing a label on an issue
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
ghc-issues labels remove
Enter issue number followed by # and a space and the label name
Adding a comment on an issue
ctrl + shift + p (Open command palate)
ghc-issues comment
Enter issue number followed by # and a space and the comment text
Your contribution
We expect your contribution to improve this project. You may..
Open issues for bug reporting or new feature suggestions.
Submit pull requests from your fork in order to close existing issues.
We encourage you to apply Github best practices for the communication and development through the repo.