Regx Harvester
Configure once harvest everywhere.
Be careful
- Extension is under development
- Please save your work before using it.
How it works?
First u should select template to harvest with Then magic happened.
First collect all files in workspace.
Get only the folders u defined in foldersToIncludes .
Exclude any folder contains any of foldersToExcludes in it path.
Get only files that end with any item u defined in extsToIncludes .
Exclude files which end with any item u defined in extsToExcludes .
Then it extract all text that match any regx from regxToIncludes .
Then exclude all text that match any regx from regxToExcludes .
Avaliable commands
Harvest Workspace
- to harvest all workspace
- Accessible for command palette
Harvest Folder
- to harvest selected folder
- Accessible for command palette & Right click folder
Harvest File
- to harvest selected file
- Accessible for command palette & Right click file
Harvest Text
- to harvest sleceted text
- Accessible for command palette
Hravest Replace
- to replace harvested string with defined replaceTemplate
- Accessible for command palette
Harvest Reverse Replace
- to reverse replace harvested string with defined replaceTemplate
- Accessible for command palette
Harvest Choose Template
- to choose template to harvest with
- Accessible for command palette
The base template for harvesting regular expressions and generating localized strings. Includes the following properties:
templateName (string): The name of the template.
regxToIncludes (array of regx): Regular expressions to include for harvesting.
regxToExcludes (array of regx): Regular expressions to exclude from selected regular expressions.
extsToIncludes (array of strings): File extensions to include for harvesting.
extsToExcludes (array of strings): File extensions to exclude from selected files.
foldersToIncludes (array of strings): Folders to include for harvesting.
foldersToExcludes (array of strings): Folders to exclude from selected folders.
outputPath (string): The output path of the generated file.
outputFileName (string): The output file name (e.g. app_string.dart ).
outputFileTemplate (string): The output file body template (e.g. class AppString{\n<{body}>\n} ).
stringTemplate (string): The string template that will be stored in the generated file (e.g. static const String <{key}> = <{value}> ).
replaceTemplate (string): The template that will be used to replace the - string in the original files (e.g. AppString.<{key}> ).
templateKeyConfig (templateKeyConfig): The configuration for generated keys.
replaceAfterCreate (boolean): Whether to replace text after harvesting with replaceTemplate.
Regular expression properties:
source (string): The regular expression pattern.
flags (string): The regular expression flags.
Configuration for generated keys. Includes the following properties:
keyCase (string): The key case (e.g. camelCase, capitalCase, etc.).
keyConfigs (array of keyConfig): An array of key configurations.
Configuration for generated keys. Includes the following properties:
regx (regx): The regular expression to be applied to the generated key that matches it.
replaceWith (string): The string to replace the generated key with. Can include <{key}> to be replaced with the key.
Avaliable cases
Files generated by extension
.harvest Folder
extension.json file
meta.json file
- Output file with name you defined to path you defined
How to setup your own template?
Open vscode settings
search for Regx Harvest
Templates edit in settings.json
for example:
"templateName": "Flutter String Harvester",
"regxToIncludes": [
"source": "(['\"])(?:(?!\\1).)*\\1",
"flags": "g"
"regxToExcludes": [
"source": "\\$",
"flags": ""
"source": "['\"]dart:.*[\"']",
"flags": ""
"source": "['\"]package:.*.dart[\"']",
"flags": ""
"extsToIncludes": [
"extsToExcludes": [
"foldersToIncludes": [
"outputPath": "lib/resources/",
"outputFileName": "app_string.dart",
"outputFileTemplate": "class AppString{\n<{body}>\n}\n",
"stringTemplate": "static const String <{key}> = <{value}> ;\n",
"replaceTemplate": "AppString.<{key}>",
"templateKeyConfig": {
"keyCase": "camelCase",
"keyConfigs": [
"regx": {
"source": "^\\d",
"flags": ""
"replaceWith": "anHarvestedNum<{key}>"
"regx": {
"source": "^$",
"flags": ""
"replaceWith": "aHarvestedText"
"replaceAfterCreate": false
| |