ndf READMENDF language is a scripting language used to describe game data. Features(特点)At present, simple syntax highlighting based on regular expressions has been done for NDF language. 目前,NDF语言已经完成了基于正则表达式的简单语法高亮显示。
Requirements(依赖)There is currently no requirement, but if necessary, you may need a game that uses that language 暂时没有依赖,如果非要说有的话,你可能需要一款使用该语言的游戏 Extension Settings(扩展设置)There is nothing for the time being. 暂无 Known Issues(已知问题)Due to my lack of rigorous use case testing, there may be some issues 由于我没有做严格的用例测试,所以可能存在有一定问题 Todo(待办事项)
Release Notes(发布说明)This is the first version, and all affairs have not been completed yet. Please understand 这是第一个版本,一切事务都没来的及进行,尽请谅解 |