vscode-csso ![GitHub Actions Status](https://github.com/1000ch/vscode-csso/workflows/test/badge.svg)
Minify CSS with CSSO.
Execute Extensions: Install Extensions command from Command Palette (Cmd Shift P) and search by csso.
Also you can install this extension locally by putting symbolic link from ~/.vscode/extensions to ~/path/to/this/repo like below.
$ ln -s ~/workspace/github.com/1000ch/vscode-csso ~/.vscode/extensions/1000ch.csso-local
Open the Command Palette (Cmd Shift P) and search following commands.
- csso: Minify current CSS file: to minify current CSS file
- csso: Minify selected part of CSS: to minify selected part of CSS
You can also execute these commands from context menu of Explorer or Editor.
![You can use commands from the context menu of editor view](https://github.com/1000ch/vscode-csso/raw/HEAD/screenshot-1.png)
true as default. If you want to disable, set false .
MIT © Shogo Sensui
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