Default keybindings: modifier [alt] + action [x/s/f/g/c/t] (change/select/search/goto/repeat/transform) + target [a/d || x/s/f/g/c/t] (prev/next | cursor).
The search works by partial matching content of each word (separated by space).
Example document:
const foo = 'foo bar';
let greet = 'hello world!';
const name = 'foo';
function greet(name: string) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
// this greets the name
export default {
Examples with searchTriggerCount set to 1 (only matches when there is a single result):
Search: const f
-> moves cursor to const f
in const
Search: foo
-> cursor to foo
in foo bar
Search from line: alt+f-f 20 g
-> moves cursor to greets
in // this greets the name
Find text with alt+f-a/d
(prev/next). Repeat with alt+c-c/a/d
Select, change and move in text. Similar to eg. ci
in vim.
These commands require typing eg. {
to the input field, but enter-press is not required.
Select content of next curly: alt-s-s {
Repeat to select content of next curly behind: alt-c-d
or alt-c-a
Select 2 words starting from 2nd word behind: alt+s-a 2 2w
Select content of next function body: alt-s-d fn
Select content of next function body behind: alt-s-a fn
Select 2nd curly block forward: alt-s-d 2 {
Select 5th line from top: alt-s-s 5l
Select curly in 5th line: alt-s-s 5 {
Select 2 curlies from 5th line: alt-s-s 5 2{
Select content of 4 previous quote pairs: alt-s-s -4'
Select content of 4 quote pairs behind, after 2 pairs: alt-s-a 2 4'
Select body of 2 closest functions forward: alt-s-d 2fn
Select the next 2 function bodies: alt+c+d
Select body of 2 closest functions forward, additive: alt-s-d +2fn
Append next 2 function bodies to selection: alt+c+d
Select body of 2 closest function params behind: alt-s-a 2fa
Change in curly: alt-x-x {
Change next curly: alt-x-d {
Change prev fn body: alt-x-a fn
Change next fn args: alt-x-d fa
Change 10 lines from cursor: alt-x-x 10L
Change content of 2 previous '', additive: alt-x-a +2'
Repeat to select 2 more: alt-c-c
Repeat previous to 2 next '': alt-c-a
Repeat to 4 previous '': alt-c-d
Goto start of curly: alt-g-g {
Goto start of next curly: alt-g-d {
Goto start of prev curly: alt-g-a {
Goto start of curly in line 20: alt-g-g 20 {
Goto second word: alt-f-d 2 w
Transform text using your own custom ts-functions/regexp-patterns (a transform). These transforms can be associated with the active file type and applied on a file, selection or line basis.
Multiple transforms are applied in order of appearance in the configuration, with the output of the previous transform being the input of the next.
- Passed the selected ranges to the transform(s) in
or find-select-transform.transform.associations[key].range
- Transforms can (optionally) choose the type of input from:
- raw text block per selection
- (default) array of lines separated by
, or a custom separator
- Instead of using associated transforms, a quick pick is shown for selecting the transforms to apply.
- Passes the line of text under cursor to the transform(s) in
or find-select-transform.transform.associations[key].cursor
- Instead of using associated transforms, a quick pick is shown for selecting the transforms to apply.
- The entire file is passed to the transform. Associations are shared with Transform Selection.
- Instead of using associated transforms, a quick pick is shown for selecting the transforms to apply.
- Repeat the last corresponding transforms if a range is selected or cursor is active.