WebLab for Visual Studio CodeTired of using the default WebLab editor? Me too! This extension brings the WebLab environment right into Visual Studio Code. DisclaimerThis extension is not affiliated with WebLab in any way. It is a personal project and is not endorsed by WebLab. Because WebLab is closed-source, this extension uses some 'questionable' methods to make WebLab work within VS Code. It runs WebLab in a headless Chromium browser and uses Playwright to retrieve, modify and send data to the WebLab editor. This means that the extension is not very stable and may break at any time, and may use a significant amount of system resources. FeaturesSome notable features include:
Install the playwright prerequisites (you specifically need version 1.38.0) using NPM:
Installing for NixOSInstalling for NixOSFor NixOS, I recommend using the shell.nix and .envrc in combination with direnv The reason this is required for NixOS is because certain header library files are needed, which shell.nix provides. Known Issues
Please let me know :) Roadmap
Questions'' Why no Intellij plugin? '' A: Because VSC extensions looked much easier at first glance. Developing