Kick Assembler 8-Bit Retro StudioKick Assembler 8-Bit Retro Studio is an open-source extension for Visual Studio Code that helps you build programs using the Kick Assembler assembler from Mads Nielsen. This extension boosts your It is powerful, feature rich, and very customizable to meet your needs. Do you want to build for the Not sure how to get started with some of the different systems out there — use our guides on how to configure and build for your favorite 6502 8-Bit system. Use our wiki for a full set of information on the different settings and options available. Submitting BugsIf you would like to submit a bug, please use the Trello Board or create an issue on GitLab. SupportWe have a Discord Channel setup to assist anyone using the Extension. Use this link to join. RoadmapQuick Start using VICE for the C64For a more comprehensive setup, please consult the guides we have provided for each different system.
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FeaturesHere are some of the features that the extension provides.
Works On Multiple Platforms #The extension works the same on any platform you choose. Support For Many Emulators #You have complete control over the Emulator and the Options used when running your project. We have tested projects on many different Emulators with great success and we are testing more all the time. Syntax Highlighting #Make it easier to locate the different pieces of your code with built in syntax highlighting. Never again will you have to guess what you are looking at in your code. Code Completion #The extension will show you every label, macro, function and opcode while you work. Works with currently open file as well as any files that you include in your code. Build your code libraries and be confident that the extension will help you find what you are looking for. Error Checking #On-The-Fly error checking of your code that will inform you of incorrect opcodes, wrong labels, and other errors that will slow you down when coding. Be confident that when you build your program, that it is error free. All errors are summarized in the Problems view for an added convenience. Hover Support #Hover support is available on almost every piece of code in your program. Add comments to your Macros and Functions, and have them show up when you hover over them elsewhere in your code. Numbers are automatically shown in many different forms like Hexadecimal and Binary for your convenience. Show the low and high byte values automatically. Code Outline #See an outline of your program at a glance, and jump to any location just by clicking on it. No more searching through your code to figure out where that function or macro is located. Code Snippets #This is a powerful feature that will guide you when using Macros, Functions and other Built in Commands. See the parameters you need to enter as your type in your code. Code Scoping #Harness the power of Kick Assembler by utilizing Namespaces and Code Segments. The extensions helps you by keeping track of the scope of your code, and making sure you are not going outside your code boundaries. Memory View #Visually see how your code is placed in memory, and optionally show how ROMS are overlayed with your code. Currently we have support for C64 with support for other platforms coming soon. Breakpoints & LoggingUse the built in capabilities of Visual Studio Code to help you add breakpoints to your code as well as logging. Export the breakpoints for use in VICE or C64Debugger. AcknowledgementsThanks to SWOFFA for his work on the tmLanguage file for syntax highlighting from his Sublime Package. I would also like to recognize Thomas Conté for his work on the original vscode-kickassembler extension for VSCode that inspired me to start this project. ContributingBug reports, fixes, and other changes are welcomed. The repository is on GitLab, and issues and pull requests are accepted. Check the contribute file on information of what the project needs, and how to run the extension locally for development and testing. HeroesThanks to the following for their contributions to this extension. Apologies if I missed someone, please let me know and I will add you here.