What's new in Bookmarks 13.5
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Bookmarks is an extension created for Visual Studio Code. If you find it useful, please consider supporting it.
It helps you to navigate in your code, moving between important positions easily and quickly. No more need to search for code. It also supports a set of selection commands, which allows you to select bookmarked lines and regions between bookmarked lines. It's really useful for log file analysis.
Here are some of the features that Bookmarks provides:
- Mark/unmark positions in your code
- Mark positions in your code and give it name
- Jump forward and backward between bookmarks
- Icons in gutter and overview ruler
- See a list of all Bookmarks in one file and project
- Select lines and regions with bookmarks
- A dedicated Side Bar
Available commands
Bookmarks: Toggle
Mark/unmark positions with bookmarks
Bookmarks: Toggle Labeled
Mark labeled bookmarks
Bookmarks: Jump to Next
Move the cursor forward, to the bookmark below
Bookmarks: Jump to Previous
Move the cursor backward, to the bookmark above
Bookmarks: List
List all bookmarks in the current file
Bookmarks: List from All Files
List all bookmarks from all files
Bookmarks: Clear
remove all bookmarks in the current file
Bookmarks: Clear from All Files
remove all bookmarks from all files
Bookmarks (Selection): Select Lines
Select all lines that contains bookmarks
Bookmarks (Selection): Expand Selection to Next
Expand the selected text to the next bookmark
Bookmarks (Selection): Expand Selection to Previous
Expand the selected text to the previous bookmark
Bookmarks (Selection): Shrink Selection
Shrink the select text to the Previous/Next bookmark
Manage your bookmarks
Toggle / Toggle Labeled
You can easily Mark/Unmark bookmarks on any position. You can even define Labels for each bookmark.

Jump to Next / Previous
Quicky move between bookmarks backward and forward, even if located outside the active file.
List / List from All Files
List all bookmarks from the current file/project and easily navigate to any of them. It shows a line preview and temporarily scroll to its position.

- Bookmarks from the active file only shows the line number and its contents
- Bookmarks from other files in the project also shows the relative path
Improved Multi-root support
When you work with multi-root workspaces, the extension can manage the bookmarks individually for each folder.
Simply define saveBookmarksInProject
as true
on your User Settings or in the Workspace Settings, and when you run the Bookmarks: List from All Files
command, you will be able to select from which folder the bookmarks will be shown.

Remote Development support
The extension now fully supports Remote Development scenarios.
It means that when you connect to a remote location, like a Docker Container, SSH or WSL, the extension will be available, ready to be used.
You don't need to install the extension on the remote anymore.
Better yet, if you use bookmarks.saveBookmarksInProject
setting defined as true
, the bookmarks saved locally will be available remotely, and you will be able to navigate and update the bookmarks. Just like it was a resource from folder you opened remotely.
You can use Bookmarks to easily select lines or text blocks. Simply toggle bookmarks in any position of interest and use some of the Selection commands available.
Select Lines
Select all bookmarked lines. Specially useful while working with log files.

Expand Selection to the Next/Previous Bookmark or Shrink the Selection
Manipulate the selection of lines between bookmarks, up and down.
Available Settings
- Allow navigation through all files that contains bookmarks (
by default)
"bookmarks.navigateThroughAllFiles": false
- Allow navigation to wrap around at the first and last bookmarks in scope (current file or all files) (
by default)
"bookmarks.wrapNavigation": true
- Bookmarks are always saved between sessions, and you can decide if it should be saved in the Project, so you can add it to your Git/SVN repo and have it in all your machines (
by default)
"bookmarks.saveBookmarksInProject": true
- Path to another image to be shown as Bookmark (16x16 px)
"bookmarks.gutterIconPath": "c:\\temp\\othericon.png"
Deprecated in 13.3: Use bookmarks.gutterIconFillColor
and bookmarks.gutterIconBorderColor
- Specifies the fill color of the bookmark icon
- Specifies the border color of the bookmark icon
- Choose the background color to use on a bookmarked line
Deprecated in 10.7: Use workbench.colorCustomizations
instead. More info in Available Colors
- Allow bookmarks commands, (Toggle, Jump to Next/Previous), to be displayed on the editor contex menu (
by default)
"bookmarks.showCommandsInContextMenu": true
- Experimental. Enables the new Sticky engine with support for Formatters, improved source change detections and undo operations (
by default)
"bookmarks.experimental.enableNewStickyEngine": false
- "Specifies whether bookmarks on deleted line should be kept on file, moving it down to the next line, instead of deleting it with the line where it was toggled." (
by default)
"bookmarks.keepBookmarksOnLineDelete": true
Limitation: It does not support Undo
operations. It means that, once you delete a line and the bookmark is moved to the next available line, the Undo
operation won't move the bookmark back to the previous line. The next line is now the new location of the bookmark.
- Use a workaround for formatters, like Prettier, which does not notify on document changes and messes Bookmark's Sticky behavior (
by default)
"bookmarks.useWorkaroundForFormatters": true
This workaround can be turned off if you are using the new Sticky Engine (setting above)
- Choose if the Side Bar should start expanded (
by default)
"bookmarks.sideBar.expanded": true
"bookmarks.sideBar.countBadge": "files"
"bookmarks.multicursor.toggleMode": "eachLineIndependently"
"bookmarks.label.suggestion": "useWhenSelected"
"bookmarks.revealPosition": "center"
Available Colors
- Choose the background color to use on a bookmarked line
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"bookmarks.lineBackground": "#157EFB22"
- Choose the border color to use on a bookmarked line
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"bookmarks.lineBorder": "#FF0000"
- Choose marker color to use in the overview ruler
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"bookmarks.overviewRuler": "#157EFB88"
Side Bar
The Bookmarks extension has its own Side Bar, with a variety of commands to improve you productivity.
Single Folder |
Multi-root Workspace |
Project and Session Based
The bookmarks are saved per session for the project that you are using. You don't have to worry about closing files in Working Files. When you reopen the file, the bookmarks are restored.
It also works even if you only preview a file (simple click in TreeView). You can put bookmarks in any file and when you preview it again, the bookmarks will be there.
GPL-3.0 © Alessandro Fragnani