Markdown Mail READMEMarkdown Mail! Make mail Great Again! Just write with Markdown and type "ctrl+shift+p" (Mac: 'cmd+shift+p'), which brings up the Command Palette. From here, you type "send" and select "Send My Email" and you are good to go. A few seconds later, your email should arrive destination. First of all. Config your email accout and email setting! See Here If you see this at github, you can build&install this extension according to vsc-extension-quickstart Or you can simply search and download markdown-mail at vscode extension management panel according to this manual FeaturesOpen Source!See at Github WordCountMore accurate! Support Chinese! Markdown and Send!Write your email leveraging the power of markdown and send the email to your friend. Requirements
Extension SettingsOpen your workspace setting in './vscode/settings.json' or vscode's user setting globally
Known IssuesSent Email may be regarded as junk mail and be rejected. Code Block won't be highlighted if the email service provider doesn't support highlight.js. ContributingEverything is welcome. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release. Basicly function but enough Enjoy! |