This extension helps to format C# code. When OmniSharp will support all features - will be deprecated.
C#5 / C#6 / C#7 support limited and some features not implemented, because main goal of this extension - formatting C#3.5 / C#4 sources of UnityEngine projects on MacOS, nothing more.
If you need full format support of last C# version - better to write issue about proper formatting at Omnisharp extension repo.
Important! Default settings not equals to VS C# default formatting, if you dont want to waste your time to tune formatting rules for your own codestyle - dont install this extension!
This extension not dependent on any 3dparty extensions (even omnisharp) and works as standalone formatting solution for current C#-file.
All features available through standard "format document" hotkey after opening C# file.
- Sort usings in alphabetical order. Doubles will be removed automatically.
- Fix indent size for all lines (omnisharp still cant do it for wrapped lines).
- Cleanup empty lines with allowed limit in row.
Extension provides formatting in batch mode through folder context menu at explorer window.
Extension Settings
: Should usings be sorted or not. True by default.
: Put namespaces in proper order. Values should be splitted with space. "System" by default.
: Insert blank line between using blocks grouped by first part of namespace. False by default.
: Enable code reformat with style options. True by default.
: Should open braces be kept on expression line (K&R style) or on new line. True by default.
: Allow expressions inside braces at one line. True by default.
: Should preprocessor directives ignore indentation or use it. True by default.
: Should #region / #endregion directives ignore indentation or use it. False by default.
: Should switch cases ignore indentation or use it. False by default.
: Force adds new empty line at end. False by default.
: Force places else / catch expression to new line. False by default.
: Amount of new line (\n) symbols allowed in row. 1 means no blank lines, 0 for disable. 2 by default.
: Should operators be kept on expression line or on new line for multilined expressions. True by default.
: Space before '(' - opening parenthesis. True by default.
: Space after ')' - closing parenthesis. True by default.
: Override spaces.beforeBracket rule for indexer sequence 'this['. True by default.
: Space before '[' - opening bracket. False by default.
: Space after ']' - closing bracket. True by default.
: Space inside '()' - empty parenthis. False by default.
: Space inside '{}' - empty braces. True by default.
: Space inside '[]' - empty brackets. False by default.
: Remove spaces after specified command and before (. Commands should be splitted with space. "" by default.
Special flags
Formatting can be ignored for any code with wrapping to directives:
/* fixformat ignore:start */
var test = i(). willNotBeFormatted [] ;
/* fixformat ignore:end */
Known issues
Multilined constrained generics not supported:
where T : class
Suggestion - put constraints on one line:
class<T> where T : class
TestMethod (new TestClass {
a = 10,
b = 20
Suggestion - split variable declaration and method calling:
var t = new TestClass {
a = 10,
b = 20
TestMethod (t);
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ "", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ "", "" },
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ "", "" }, { "", "" }, { "", "" },
Suggestion - add comment for each item in initialization:
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>() {
// Item 1 description.
{ "", "" },
// Item 2 description.
{ "", "" },
// Item 3 description.
{ "", "" },
var test = Test(
name: "Test name",
amount: 1,
type: TestType.Type1
var test = Test(
name : "Test name",
amount : 1,
type : TestType.Type1
Suggestion - extract string values as consts:
const string TestName = "Test name";
var test = Test(
name: TestName,
amount: 1,
type: TestType.Type1
Installation of release version
Use instructions from marketplace.
Installation from sources
- Install node.js.
- Run "npm install" from project folder.
- Run "npm run package" from project folder.
- Install brand new packed *.vsix bundle through vscode plugins menu option "Install from VSIX".