vscode-commitizen README

This vscode extension adds commitizen support.
- Open the command panel (
ctrl+shift+p or command+shift+p ) and type 'conventional commit'.
- Select the command and answer the questions afterwards (type, scope, subject, body, breaking changes, closed issues).
- After the closed issues the commit is done automatically.
- Note: During answering the questions just hit
ESC to cancel the commit.
To configure this extension follow cz-customizable and
create the required config file. This also read by this extension if configured.
To determine what config to use, the extention will look for a config file in the following places:
- a
.cz-config.js in the root directory
- in
package.json to determine the path to the config file:
"config": {
"cz-customizable": {
"config": "test.js"
- use the default config
Commitizen logo is a remixed version of the logo created by authors of commitizen cz-cli repository, under MIT license.
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