Looking for the Prism for the Windows Runtime templates for Windows 8.1? Then clickhere. Note: While Prism for the Windows Runtime is a patterns & practices release, these templates are not. They've been created in my spare time, and if you have any issues with them, or suggestions for future development, please contactme. Prism for the Windows Runtime provides two libraries that help developers create managed Windows Store apps:
Together the libraries accelerate development of apps by providing support for MVVM, loosely coupled communication, and the core services required in Windows Store apps. For more info about Prism for the Windows Runtime see Developing a Windows Store business app using C#, XAML, and Prism for the Windows Runtime and thePrism for the Windows Runtime codeplex site. In order to make consuming Prism for the Windows Runtime easier I've created a set of Visual Studio project and item templates. The templates work with any edition of Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 that you can use to create Windows Store apps, from Visual Studio Express for Windows 8, through to Visual Studio Ultimate Edition. The project templates allow you to create two types of app:
Each project template creates a Windows Store app project that includes a reference to the Prism.StoreApps library, a view (MainPage), a corresponding view model (MainPageViewModel), and an App class that bootstraps the app using the Prism.StoreApps library. In addition, the Prism App using Unity project template creates a Windows Store app project that also includes a reference to the Unity library, and bootstraps the app using the Unity dependency injection container. The item templates allow you to add the following items to a Prism app:
Each item template creates a class that derives from the correct type in the Prism.StoreApps library. In addition, the PubSubEvent (Prism) item template adds a reference to the Prism.PubSubEvents library to the project. Please note that these item templates will only work with an app created from one of the Prism app project templates. The Search Contract (Prism) item template performs three actions: