A set of tools to make you more productive working with the Ionic Framework for Apache Cordova. See the changelog for changes and roadmap. Note! If you have ReSharper installed, you may have to disable it to get any HTML Intellisense from this extension. HTMLIntellisenseIt adds Intellisense for the Ionic directives in the HTML editor. Also attribute and attribute values have Intellisense. ValidationThe validation helps identify common mistakes and typos directly in the editor, so you can quickly fix them and move on. SnippetsSnippets makes it easy to scaffold markup components. They appear in the regular HTML element Intellisenese and you can easily identify them by their Ionic snippet icon. JavaScriptWhen wring JavaScript, the edtiing is beefed up to give even better and more precise Intellisense and tooltips for projects consuming ionic.bundle.js IntellisenseIntellisense for JavaScript is also provided. SnipppetsSnippets makes it easy to scaffold scripted components. They appear in the regular JavaScript Intellisenese and they all start with the word ion followed by name. License |