Widget to show the Dependency Track status for projects
Quick steps to get started
Setup one or more projects with a tag in Dependency Track. This widgets shows information on all projects with this tag.
Edit your Azure DevOps dashboard
Select the Dependency Track Widget
Enter a title, a project tag, the URL for your Dependency Track server and an API key with at least the 'VIEW_PORTFOLIO' and 'VULNERABILITY_ANALYSIS' permissions. See the official Dependency Track docs for more information.
Add and arrange one or more of the widgets on your dashboard.
Known issue(s)
CORS issue with the default configuration with the Dependency Track docker image: It returns an incorrect string of CORS Allowed Methods causing browsers to fail the CORS preflight check. Workaround: configure a correct string, i.e. "alpine.cors.allow.methods=GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"
Built using the VSS SDK: This widget was built using the "old" VSS SDK, because the "new" Azure DevOps SDK does not support widgets yet. More info: Azure DevOps Extension Samples.
Learn More
The source to this extension is available. Feel free to take, fork, and improve!
Minimum supported environments
Azure DevOps
Feedback welcome: add a review here or file any issues on GitHub Issues.