Highlight all similar elements of last selected elements. Move between highlighted similar elements by pressing CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW.
SimilarHighlight is a simple extension by the Managed Extensibility Framework.
1.Highlight all similar elements of last selected elements. 2.The previous or next similar element can be found by shortcut keys quickly, and the whole text of it will be selected to modifyeasily.
The optional functions:
3.A marker bar will mbe added on the right side of the editor, offer relative position marks about similar elements. 4.A pane named "Similar" will be added into the output window, offer more information about similar elements. 5.In `Tools -> Options -> SimilarHighlight`, you can change some settings or disable some functions.And in `Fonts and Color -> SimilarHighlight`, you can change the highlighting colors".
Ctrl + Alt + -> to make the next similar element selected.
Ctrl + Alt + <- to make the previous similar element selected.
ESCto make the highlighted elements return to normal.
Supported Languages and Files
We will try to make it support other languages in future.