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Named Bookmarks Custom Visual Studio 2012 command to create automatically named bookmarks.
Use it from the Visual Studio 2012 Tools menu. Alternately, you can set a keyboard shortcut to call it (not yet working when called from shortcut ).
Use at your own risk!
To use from a keyboard shortcut (warning! command not yet working in that case ):
Open the Options Dialog Box . Select the Environment/Keyboard page In the "Show commands containing:" box, search for the Tools.NamedBookmarks command In the "Press shortcut keys:" box, type the shortcut you like (you can use CTRL+K, CTRL+K to replace the default bookmark shortcut). Be careful to select Text Editor in the "Use new shortcut in:" field. Press OK Notes:
I didn't implement the bookmark deletion feature, that usually happens when calling the defaultToggleBookmark command on an already bookmarked line. I had to use a lot of SendKeys.Send() commands, as a result the add-in might have some strange behavior if not used in the Text Editor Installer available on /vsgallery/d082caf9-6df1-4dc7-b239-bf7f01981361 Code available on https://github.com/wip-/namedbookmarks [From source code] To run in debug mode: in Properties/Debug , set Visual Studio 2012 (11.0) devenv.exe path in theStart external program box, and /rootsuffix Exp in theCommand line arguments box.