Support to develop, debug and deploy Azure IoT Edge Modules. This extension is now in maintenance mode. See announcement and latest documentation here:
Azure IoT Edge Tools makes it easy to code, build, deploy, and debug your IoT Edge solutions in Visual Studio 2022, by providing a rich set of functionalities:
New Azure IoT Edge project targeting different platforms (Linux amd64, Linux arm32v7, Linux arm64v8, Windows amd64)
Add a new IoT Edge module (C#/C) to solution
Edit, build and debug IoT Edge modules locally on your Visual Studio machine
Build and push docker images of IoT Edge modules
Run IoT Edge modules in a local or remote simulator
What's new (v2.0.8)
Restrict support to IoTEdge v1.4
What's new (v2.0.7)
Update to v0.14.18 of simulation manager.
What's new (v2.0.6)
Update to v0.14.14 of simulation manager.
What's new (v2.0.5)
Update to v0.14.12 of simulation manager.
What's new (v2.0.4)
Accepts DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING and IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING environment variables if set.
What's new (v2.0.3)
Allow release candidate versions of the simulator.
What's new (v2.0.2)
Introduce a baseline version for the simulator.
Allow IOTEDGEHUBDEV_VERSION environment variable to override the baseline version.
What's new (v2.0.1)
Do not record the connection string
What's new (v2.0)
Add support for IoTEdge Runtime version 1.2
What's new (v1.9)
Add a new option to allow selection of IoTEdge Runtime version.
What's new (v1.8)
Update to learn the deployment process
Version increment, no changes to functionality
What's new (v1.7)
Support arm64v8 platform
C# module template update to .Net Core 3.1
What's New (v1.6)
Retry to download standalone simulator when error occurs
Use pip API instead of GitHub API to avoid rate limitation
Optimize telemetry
Fix invalid default module name of some marketplace modules
What's New (v1.5)
Support IoT Hub connection string when setup simulator
Support adding module with repository URL
Show warning message when module is referenced but not used
Fix default routes always added when opening Visual Studio
What's New (v1.4)
Support standalone simulator
Detect docker status when open an Azure IoT Edge project
What's New (v1.3)
Remove temp sensor module when user skip adding custom module
Do not push image when start simulator
What's New (v1.2)
Check existing project names when adding new module to avoid exception
Rename tempSensor to SimulatedTemperatureSensor in deployment template file
Fix the issue that module in solution folder cannot start debugger correctly
What's New (v1.1.1)
Fix marketplace cannot load issue
What's New (v1.1)
Add dialog to help user to setup device connection string when start simulator failed
Allow environment variables in image URL
Use obj folder to store local debug json file
Automatically stop simulator when terminate debugger
Fix high DPI issue of description text in add module dialog
What's New (v1.0)
Remove preview label and update document
What's New(v0.6)
Enable adding modules from Azure marketplace
Use deployment.debug.template.json to support Debug configuration for IoT Edge project
Enable schema validation for deployment template file
Fix some bugs
Visual Studio 2022: ".NET desktop development" and "Azure development workload" workload installed; "Windows desktop development with C++" is needed if you plan to develop C modules
Docker Community Edition on your development machine to build and run your module images. You need to properly set the Docker CE running in Linux container mode or Windows container mode.