If you currently are an ASP.Net Web Forms developer that needs to get started delving into ASP.Net MVC, there is a good chance that you will not be able to perform a complete re-write or conversion of your existing ASP.Net Web Forms applications to ASP.Net MVC. Fortunately, Scott Hanselman has offered a reasonable solution--create a hybrid application consisting of both ASP.Net Web Forms along with ASP.Net MVC. http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntegratingASPNETMVC3IntoExistingUpgradedASPNet4WebFormsApplications.aspx This project template is based on Scott Hanselman's article which integrates an ASP.Net 4 Web Forms application with an ASP.Net MVC 3 application. This particular project template utilizes the default ASP.Net Web Application along with the Internet Application template for ASP.Net MVC 3 using the Razor syntax. |