ApexSQL Refactor is a SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio formatting and refactoring add-in for SQL Server with nearly 200 formatting options and 15 refactors and more: • Create custom formatting profiles and share them across your team • Preview the impact of SQL formatter changes with difference highlighting • Batch format SQL objects and scripts • Obfuscate SQL • Transform * wildcards into explicit lists of column names • Qualify columns with schema table names and schema or aliases • Find & highlight unused variables and parameters to clean up your code • Safely rename SQL objects • Replace complex, multi-column primary keys with a single column surrogate key • Replace one-to-many relationships • Add, remove or change parameters without breaking dependencies from referencing objects • Encapsulate SQL code into scalar or table functions, stored procedures and views • Split large tables by partitioning them • Convert SQL code to equivalent language-specific client code (Java, C#, C++, VB.NET, PHP, Ruby or Delphi) See also • ApexSQL Refactor product page • FAQs • (Video) An introduction to ApexSQL Refactor • Videos ApexSQL has more SQL add-ins for Visual Studio to improve SQL developer productivity |