Fix Namespace
Fixes the namespace of the .cs file based on the Project default namespace and its folder position relative to project
- Search all the code file within solution for namespace issues in one click
- Fix all the files at one click
- Ignore some files and it will be saved to settings and it will marked as ignore going forward
How to use
After installation you can access Fix Namespace tool window from View > Other Windows > Fix Namespace
Tool window will look like following

Click on Find Issue button which will search for the code files which have namespace issue.
All the files will be listed on this window with option of Ignore on each file.
If any file is checked to be ignore, then that file will not be fixed. And next time when you seach for the issues, you can see that same file but it will be automatically be marked to be ignored.
Click Fix All Files button which will fix all those file where namespace issues are present in one go.
You can also select specific files that you want to fix from complete list and then right click on the window and you will get option to "Fix Selected Files", this will only fix the selected files.

You can also fix one file at a time by clicking on "Fix Namespace" hyperling next to file.
You can view and edit the exlusion file list. And you can suppress the message box by unchecking the "Show Success/Errpr Message Box" check box.

Apache 2.0