Telerik ASP.NET BinaryImage provides an easy way of displaying an image, which is stored as binary data directly in the database. The control can be used in any data bound control (Repeater, DataList, GridView, RadGrid etc.) to display images which originate from binary image field in the data source.
Use in any Data Bound Control
The Telerik Binary Image control can be used in any data bound control (Repeater, DataList, GridView, RadGrid, etc.) to display images which originate from binary image field in the data source.
HTTP Handler
The BinaryImage uses an internal Http handler which streams the image from the binary source to the page in which it has to be visualized.
Various Display Settings
You could specify whether you want the display to be as a thumbnail and provide the thumbnail size, alignment, etc. You can also add a tooltip to the Binary Image to display text upon hover, or even link it.
Browser Caching
The storage of the binary stream when transferred between the control itself and the handler allows for the image to be cached in the browser. Its default expiration time is 2 hours. This means that subsequent loads of the binary image are taken from the browser cache when using the same url for access. In case the browser cache is disabled, the image will be persisted for 2 minutes on the server before it is streamed to the page from the data source.
Product Screenshots
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Overview
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX BinaryImage Demo
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX BinaryImage Documentation