The Kendo UI for Angular Date Inputs package is a collection of components that provide user-friendly interfaces for selecting dates and times on forms and other scheduling applications. The Date Inputs are built from the ground up and specifically for Angular, so that you get high-performance date-input controls which integrate tightly with your application and with the rest of the Kendo UI for Angular components.
Components Included in the Angular Date Inputs Package
Angular Calendar: Displays a calendar for date navigation and selection.
Angular DateInput: A spcialized input fields that recognizes and validates date formats.
Angular DatePicker: Displays a calendar in a popup for convenient single date selection.
Angular DateRange: Displays a calendar that allows selection of a date range.
Angular DateTimePicker: Displays a calendar and time spinnners for convenient selection of date and time.
Angular TimePicker: Time input field that displays time spinners in a popup when clicked.
Features Common to All Angular Date Input Components
Each of the components in the package has unique features, but these are common across the package.
Forms Support: All Date Inputs provide support both for the asynchronous template-driven Angular forms and the pedominantly synchronous reactive Angular forms. This feature allows you to draw on the logic set either in the template, or in the component or typescript code.
Date and Time Ranges: Except for the MultiViewCalendar, all Date Inputs provide configuration options for setting a start and end date or time and, in this way, defining date or time ranges.
Disabled Date Inputs: You can choose to render the Date Inputs in their disabled state so that, if need be present, users will not be able to interact with them.
Templates: You can visually customize the content and the general look and feel of the calendar-based Date Inputs by utilizing ready-to-use templates and applying them to the individual cells of the components—for example, to the month, year, decade, or century calendar cells.
Globalization: The Kendo UI for Angular Date Inputs support globalization to ensure that they can fit well in any application, no matter what languages and locales need to be supported. Additionally, the Date Inputs support rendering in a right-to-left (RTL) direction.
Accessibility: The Date Inputs are accessible for screen readers and support WAI-ARIA attributes.
Keyboard Navigation: The Date Inputs support a number of keyboard shortcuts which alow users to accomplish various commands.
The Kendo UI for Angular Calendar is part of the Kendo UI for Angular component library. With 100+ Components, 3 themes (standard, Material, Bootstrap), Theme Builder, and UI Kits for Figma, Kendo UI for Angular is the library professional developers rely on. See the entire list at
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