SSDT Dev Pack including T-SQL Clippy - see Adds useful utilities for working with SQL Server Data Tools including: - T-Sql clippy:
- Automatically re-write != into <>
- Show estimated statement query costs
- Automatically re-write non sargable isnull statements into sargable lookups
- Automatically re-write "order by 1, 2, 3" into "order by col, col, col"
- Find duplicate indexes on tables
- Highlight expensive t-sql statements
- MergeUi - use this to create and manage MERGE statements
- QuickDeploy - quickly deploy files bypassing the SSDT build system
- Extract statements into inline Table Valued Functions
- Lower case keywords
- Upper case keywords
- Correctly case table names
- Create tSQLt test classes
- Create tSQLt tests from functions and stored procedures including faking any tables used by the called code
- Code Coverage
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