Provides and overview of the assigned capacity of individual team members across multiple teams within a team project
This extension is now unpublished from Marketplace. You can choose to uninstall it.
Team Capacity Overview
Are you or your team members assigned to multiple teams?
Having problems seeing where individuals are assigned and how much capacity has been allocated?
When the team members are assigned to multiple teams it is difficult to get an overall view of the allocation of members. You need to navigate to each team in the project to see the allocation.
One pane of glass
Have a single view of all the members of the various teams and where they are allocated. This gives you the birds eye view of capacity across all the teams in the team project.
It provides the single "pane of glass" to see where the team members are active and how much of their time is allocated.
Do you feel this extension is usefull?
Restructured code to better report failures
Updated libraries
Added more logging to the iteration search mechanism
Removed the demand in the manifest that was causing the install button on TFS 2017 to remain disabled
Added the ability to select an iteration, fixing an issue in TFS 2015 on-prem where the default iteration is not reported
Fixed a "no iteration found" issue
Disregard iterations that has an end date in the past
Added scrolling to the window
Added the ability to see activity details for each team members capacity
Made the column header (Team Name) clickable to take you to the appropriate capacity editing screen
Fixed bug when a team's iteration has not been selected