With tangible's T4 Editoryou can authoryour ownCode Generator via Text-Templates (TT-Files)with IntelliSense, Syntax-Highlighting. T4 is a Microsoft Language for writingCode Generatorswhich is similar to ASP.NET and is used by the Microsoft internally to build software and new features for .NET 4.0. The T4 Code Generation Engine is already built into Visual Studio - so the only thing that was missing is a good Editor and some free UML-style modeling tools.. so we shipped it. Now it is up to you to accelerate your projects and start saving your company money by adopting T4 today and generate the code you need directly form diagrams, database schemas or xml files. With the free build-in tangible modeling tools you can directlycreate Software Diagrams like Use Case Diagrams,Component Diagrams, State Charts, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Persistent Object Models from within Visual Studio. T4 Editor Features - T4 Code Generation simplified The T4 Editor for Syntax Highlighting and Intelli-Sense allows you to author our own code generators in Visual Studio that read from the diagrams, xml or any other data source.
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