This extension provides multiple templates for DSC Resource in Visual Studio, including the use of C# and PS statements you can use this extension to build you DSCResource in visual Studio version We have add TWO templates in this Project 1 DSC Resource using PSClass 2 DSC Resource using PSClass Support multile class The two templates do not contain schema files named schema.mof Two templates above can only use in PSV5 and PSV5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we dont add new temlpate in this version in this version when you build project in Visual Studio the module file will copy to PSModule path if you are using template with "DSCResource With PowerShell Using Mof" the .pdb file will copy too then you can attach to a process called "WmiPrvSE.exe" for debugging by defualt PSModule Path is C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules you can change it in template wizard we fixed the problem when using template 'DSCResource With PowerShell Using Mof With CSharp' get error 'KeyParameterNotImplemented' ------------------------------------------------------------ Version We have add two templates in this version 1 DSCResource Multiple Class Using CSharp 2 DSCResource Multiple Class Using PowerShell the two templates contain schema files named schema.mof two templates above can only use in PSV5 and PSV5.1 dont deploy on PSV4 ------------------------------------------------------------ Version in this Version we have updated the Template Wizard to prepare for the next version We will start support vs 2017 in the next version no new featuer in this version ------------------------------------------------------------ Version in this version we have support Vs2017 We have add a templates in this version DSCResourceSchema this template help you build a schema file with guid you can only use this template with PSV4 PSV5 PSV5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Version no new featuer in this version we fixed the problem when you build project some file could not copy to PSModulePath now all file will copy correctly ------------------------------------------------------------ Version We have add a template in this version DSCResourceSchemaWithPSM1 this template help you build a schema file (PSM1 file) with wizard this can use with PSV5 PSV5.1 we have change Projects template 1.DSCResource With PowerShell Using Class With Out Mof 2.DSCResource Using multiple Powershell Class without Mof we add a property RunAsCredential for DSCResource class now you can change the Runascredential property it will allow Dscresource to require a credential by default the Runascredential property set to Default you can change Runascredential property to Default,Mandatory,NotSupported,Optional we will make this change to the template named DSCResourceSchemaWithPSM1 in the next version ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we have change item template 1.DSCResourceSchemaWithPSM1 we added a new element to the wizard interface to add Runascredential property to this template by default the Runascredential property set to Default you can change this property with comboBox this change will not affect the Dscresourceschema template ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we have fixed a problem when you use the DSCResourceSchemaWithPSM1 template if ValueMap has input schema file(PSM1 file) DSCResource property missing validateSet property now it work correctly no new featuer in this version ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we add a menu in this version help you add or delete DSCResource property we add variable named DSCMachineStatus for all template this variable allow dscresource reboot after set resource we have change many templates make them better ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we have change the template wizard named DSCResourceSchemaWithPSM1 and DSCResourceSchema now you can use this wizard to defined dscresource property to class If you want to change a property to a class double-click the property and enter the properties you want as the class in the pane named "defining Property Class" by default this class will naming same as this property name you can enter an other name in a cell named "ClassName" ------------------------------------------------------------ Version we changed item template wizard now the wizard can check you resource if the resource can not work you can not create it we added a script in item template this will help you build configurateion with you resource when you use templates it automatically creates |