Generate and publish vsix to MarketplaceThe GenerateAndPublishVsixToMarketplace VSTS task Generate and publish vsix to Marketplace: ImportantThe task is in beta stage Agent Specification: Tested on Windows-2019 and Linux. In the windows-latest it gives an error with the npm install. It can only be used on windows-2019. Initial stepsFor initial steps. Please follow the steps in the following link: To generate a token to publish on the marketplace, follow the steps in the following link: IntroThe task is responsible for compiling the projects that make up the vsix extension. in the file vss-extension.json The use of the task is simple, if you leave all the default values it should work without problems. The function of each of the options is explained below. ConfigureThese are the recommended steps to have the process 100% automated:Update Version Variables And PackageTo configure this task correctly please visit: Replace tokens in ** /*.json:To perform the replacements correctly you must configure your file as follows: task.json:vss-extension.json:If you use another versioning system you can skip these first 2 steps. Generate and publish vsix to Marketplace:To know how to generate an azure DevOps token please visit the following link: If we only want to generate the vsix file without publish it to the marketplace:If you don't have typescript code to compile:If you compile typescript you should use this default option in "Yes":Only in cases of compiling typescrip: In this case using the latest version to generate vsix files one of the components downloads a file with spaces. If it is not changed at compile time, it gives an error. If you don't use the same version you should set the value to "No" If you don't have generate the vsix file:The name of the vsix file is built based on the vss-extension.json: publisher + id + "-" + Version + ".vsix" This option is in case we want to deploy the package in the release (This has not been tested). Version to publish on Marketplace:The version used to publish on the marketplace is the version of the vss-extension.json file and the file name is de same to use to generate the vsix file: publisher + id + "-" + Version + ".vsix" File path destinationThe destination of the file is in the path of default artifact staging directory Show vars:This step is not required. Shows the variables that we can use later. Publish Artifact: vsxiThis step is not required. Publish our artifact. ExecutionPipeline:MarketPlaceFinally: |