Version 5 What's new Create Universal Deployment, that can be placed anywhere 5.1.0 Support for .NET-Projects (until now only .NET Framework was supported) 5.1.2 Bugfix: simplDeploy.Mayor.exe.config was missing, which caused installer to crash silent, when .NET Framework 4.7.2 was not installed on the client. Now corresponding message appears. 5.1.3 Bugfix: Universal-Install failed if package was not installed and started package was not of newest version 5.1.4 New Option: You can ship pdb-files if needed 5.1.5 Removed dependency on .NET Framework 4.5 upgraded to .NET Framework 4.7.2 5.1.6 Removed dependency on System.Drawing.Common for SimplDeploy.Core, instead added SimplDeploy.Windows.Core Bring your app to the customer with minimum effort. It's like Squirrel but it's easy and integrated. It's an alternative to ClickOnce and addresses many of the issues users had with it. License This is free full version (again since V 4.0.1). Documentation Please consult our official documentation for any further information. Visual Studio 2019 If you still need to stick with VisualStudio 2019 download simplDeploy for Visual Studio 2019, which is also free again with final Version (3.3.3). If you upgrade from earlier Version, you may need to uninstall the extension first. simplDeploy for Visual Studio 2019 - Visual Studio Marketplace |