Blazor United App Project TemplateBlazor United is a feature in ASP.NET Core roadmap for .NET 8. Blazor United will have similar features which can be found in JavaScript frameworks, such as Next.js, Nuxt.js or Angular Universal. In these frameworks, Server-side rendering (SSR), Client-side rendering (CSR) and Static site generation (SSG) are mixed up in web application development. They are full stack frameworks. In .NET, we can also use Blazor to create Blazor Hybrid app, such as .NET MAUI Blazor app. In this case, we can treat Blazor as a cross-platform full stack framework. I created a Visual Studio project template to generate a Blazor cross-platform full stack project. After you install Blazor United App project template, you can create a new Blazor United app solution. In the solution, it will generate the following projects for you.
When Blazor United is released in .NET 8, we should be able to integrate Client and Server project into one project. In the project template, OpenAPI is used in |