DevOps for Databricks extension

This extension brings a set of tasks for you to operationalize build, test
and deployment of Databricks Jobs and Notebooks.
Use Python Version
To run this set of tasks in your build/release pipeline, you first need to
explicitly set a Python version. To do so, use
this task
as a first task for your pipeline.
Supported Hosted Agents
With the new tasks added for supporting Scala Development, the agent support
is now defined by task. See each task documentation to check
its compatibility with the available Hosted Agents.
It's strongly recommend that you use Hosted Ubuntu 1604 for your pipelines.
Pipeline Tasks
This pipeline task installs and configures the Databricks CLI onto the agent.
The following steps are performed:
- Installs databricks-cli using
(that's why using Use
Python Version is required);
- Writes a configuration file at
so the CLI will know which
Databricks Workspace to connect to.
- Instead of creating a DEFAULT profile, it creates a profile called AZDO
Supported Agents
- Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- Hosted VS2017
Important: What is done with your Databricks PAT?
Your Databricks Personal Access Token (PAT) is used to grant access to your
Databricks Workspace from the Azure DevOps agent which is running your
pipeline, either being it Private or
Given that the Microsoft Hosted Agents are discarded after one use, your PAT -
which was used to create the ~/.databrickscfg
- will also be discarded.
This means that your PAT will not be used for anything else other than
running your own pipeline.
Store your PAT as a variable
It is strongly recommended that you do not pass your Personal Access Token
as a plain text to the task. Instead, store it as a
Secret Variable
and use the variable reference on the task.
Supported Agents
- Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- Hosted VS2017
Deploy Notebooks to Workspace
This Pipeline task recursively deploys Notebooks from given folder to a Databricks Workspace.
- Notebooks folder: a folder that contains the notebooks to be deployed. For example:
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/<artifact name>/notebooks
- Workspace folder: the folder to publish the notebooks on the
target Workspace. For example:
Supported Agents
- Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- Hosted VS2017
Execute $(notebookPath)
Executes a notebook given its workspace path. Parameters are:
- Notebook path (at workspace): The path to an existing Notebook in a Workspace.
- Existing Cluster ID: if provided, will use the associated Cluster to run
the given Notebook, instead of creating a new Cluster.
- Notebook parameters: if provided, will use the values to override any
default parameter values for the notebook. Must be specified in JSON format.
Supported Agents
- Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- Hosted VS2017
Wait for Notebook execution
Makes the Pipeline wait until the Notebook run - invoked by the previous task - finishes.
If the Notebook execution succeeds (status SUCCESS
), this task will also succeed.
If the Notebook execution fails (status FAILED
), the task (and the Pipeline) will fail.
You can have access to the run URL through the task logs. For example:
2019-06-18T21:22:56.9840342Z The notebook execution suceeded (status SUCCESS)
2019-06-18T21:22:56.9840477Z For details, go to the execution page: https://<region><organization-id>#job/<run-id>/run/1
Start a Databrick Cluster (new!)
This task will start a given Databrick Cluster. It will do nothing if
the cluster is already started.
- Cluster ID: The ID of the cluster. Can be founds on its URL or on its Tags.
Supported Agents
- Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- Hosted VS2017
Installs the following tools on the Agent:
Supported Agents
Install Spark
Installs Spark libraries on the agent.
Supported Agents
Compiles and Installs JAR using SBT (new!)
This task will:
- Compile a given project using SBT
- Copy the following to your Databricks Cluster:
- Copy the resulting JAR to the Databricks Cluster
- Copy a sample data set to the Databricks Cluster
- Copy a sample dataset file to the Databricks Cluster
- Cluster ID: The ID of the cluster you want to install this library.
- Working Directory: The project directory. Where the
- JAR package name (overrides build.sbt): The name you want to give to your
JAR package name. It will override the value if set on
- Package Version (overrides build.sbt): A version you want to give to your
JAR package. It will override the value if set on
- Scala Version (overrides build.sbt): The Scala version you want to
specify for this compilation. It will override the value if set on
- Sample dataset path: The path to a dataset file for testing purposes.
Supported Agents
Known issues
Fortunately, no known issues so far. Please feel free to open a
new issue
on GitHub if you experience any problem.
Release Notes
Please check the Release Notes
page on GitHub.
To know more about how to contribute to this project, please see