Azure Policy Build and Release TasksThis extension includes a group of tasks that can deploy Azure Policies and Initiatives. Note: This project is used with GitHub and Azure DevOps projects features. Where GitHub is used for code and issues, but the complete build pipeline is hosted on Azure DevOps in the background.
Description here is kept short. The task itself and the configuration possibilities are explained on the information icons of each form component of the task. For a more detailed description check the documentation page Task - Deploy Azure PolicyThis task is intended to make it easier for you to publish Azure Policies to your azure tenant. This tasks needs a Azure Resource Manager service connection with a properly configured service principal. Task - Deploy Azure InitiativeThis task is intended to make it easier for you to publish Policy Sets (Initiatives) to your azure tenant. This tasks needs a Azure Resource Manager service connection with a properly configured service principal. Change LogsChange logs can be found on the documentation pages on GitHub. |