Terraform-OutputsThis extension enables you to use the Terraform outputs as variables in your Azure Pipelines. Terraform Outputs TaskThis task will execute 'terraform output -json' command within the provided "Path to Terraform scripts" and map all these values to pipeline variables. It is possible to indicate if you want to map the sensitive outputs as secrets (thanks to @joseph-passineau :blush:). You can also provide a common prefix that will be applied to each of the variable names. Optionally a path to Terraform assembly can be provided. If it's available in PATH this value can be leave empty. Build pipelineCI build pipeline that packages the vsix extension and publishes two artifacts:
Release pipelineCD release pipeline is composed of three different stages: Development:Publishes a private version of the extension tagged as "development". Before running next stage there is a deployment gate to check that the extension has been successfully validated by the marketplace. Validation:Executes the same task group on three different hosted agents:
The task group:
ProductionOnce it has been approved this stage publishes the extension to the marketplace. |