This addin for Visual Studio 2010/2008 will provide support for navigation in the source code using the mouse thumb buttons in the C++, Visual Basic and F# editor. C# have this feature build in.
Visual Studio 2010/2008 lacks support to navigate in the source code using the mouse thumb buttons in the languages C++, Visual Basic and F#. The addin will provide support for navigation in the source code using the mouse thumb buttons. (F# only VS2010)
Jump to a function definition (right click on the function name, "Go to definition")
Jump back using the "backward button" of your mouse.
Download the zip file and unpack
VS2010: copy "MouseThumbButtonsVS2010.dll" and "MouseThumbButtonsVS2010.AddIn" from the "Addin_VS2010" folder to "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Addins"
VS2008: copy "MouseNavi.dll" and "MouseNavi.AddIn" from the "Addin_VS2008" folder to "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Addins"
The addin should now listed under Tools->Addin-Manager. The addin will start automatically with the VS start.