Advanced Smoke TestCross platform build and release task for executing smoke tests against a single or multiple URLs with header and proxy support. The task also has the option to retry the test(s), if any test fails. Single URLMultiple URLsFor multiple URLs a test for each URL will be executed, if any test fails, the task will fail. Advanced OptionsExpected HTTP status codeThe HTTP status code which will be validated. If the server does not respond with the specified status code, the test will fail. HTTP methodThe HTTP method which will be used for all requests. HeadersList of headers which will be sent with the request(s). One per line, in the following format:
ProxyThe proxy server used for the request(s). Alternatively you can specify the
Strict SSLWhether SSL certificates are required to be valid. TimeoutTimeout in milliseconds for the server to respond. If no timeout is specified, the default from the request module (and in some cases from the OS) will be used. RetriesNumber of retries, which will be executed in case of any errors during the test(s). Useful if used directly after deployment to handle warmup. Retry delayDelay (in milliseconds) between retries. CreditsThis task is using the advanced-smoke npm package (GitHub) which also offers a CLI. Logo: "Smoke" icon by Beau Wingfield from from the Noun Project. |