A tool that adds a right-click context menu in the code editor, which opens a simple editor with (most) possible specifier options available for UE4 code tags (such as UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION, etc.)
This tool can generate an entire tag from a single code tag word, or edit an existing tag by parsing the contents.
This is my first Visual Studio Extension and my first time working with WPF; bugs are probably to be expected.
The edit specifier command now starts parsing from the beginning of the line instead of current caret position. This way, the command can be invoked anywhere within a specifier provided no other non-whitespace characters appear before the specifier definition
Added 2 links at the bottom of the editor window that open the doc page for the current specifier, and the other opens documentation for metadata specifiers (no tooltips for now, sorry!)
Fixed configuration saving and loading. You will now be able to safely edit (add/remove) specifiers and/or rearrange their order at your leisure in the Options dialog of Visual Studio (meta specifiers cannot be modified currently)
Fixed editor not respecting upper/lowercase letters in edit values (e.g. the value for Category would always be lowercase no matter what you had entered)
Existing specifiers can now be parsed regardless of case (so 'category', 'CATEGORY', and 'Category' will be parsed the same, although the editor will still do first upper case letter when generating it)
Fixed build compatibility problem with 1.3 that did not allow the extension to work properly in VS2017 in some cases
Fixed bug involving partial word matches in specifier tags (i.e. 'Config' and 'GlobalConfig', etc.)
Greatly improved theme colors
'Theme aware' color selection to match the Visual Studio color theme
Added UIMin, UIMax, ClampMin, ClampMax for UPROPERTY
Added Units to UPROPERTY with all valid unit types
Added ToolTip and ShortTooltip to all specifiers
Added support for VS2017
Added new option "Generate Specifier Here" in the same right-click context menu as the Edit Specifier command. This allows quick selection of a specifier and will generate it at the cursor position (and immediately open the editor)
Added keyboard shortcuts (default: Alt-W for Generate Specifier, Alt-E for Edit Specifier)