Quickly and easily find relevant work items by searching across all work item fields over all projects in an account. Perform full text searches across all fields to efficiently locate relevant work items. Use in-line search filters, on any work item field, to quickly narrow down to a list of work items. ##Search across projects
Start searching for work items using the search box in the top right corner. Work item Search enables you to search across all projects. You can scope search and drill down into an area path of choice.
##Full text search across all fields
You can easily search across all work item fields, including custom fields, which enables more natural searches. The snippet view indicates where matches were found.
##Quick Filters
Quick inline search filters let you refine work items, in seconds. The dropdown list of suggestions helps complete your search faster. For example, a search such as “AssignedTo: Chris WorkItemType: Bug State: Active” finds all active bugs assigned to a user named Chris.
##Integration with work item tracking
The Work Item Search interface integrates with familiar controls in the Work hub, giving you the ability to view, edit, comment, share and much more.
Coming Soon: Sorting search results, Support for Team Foundation Server, Search in Discussion field. |