Deploy SSIS Task
This extension will add a Build/Release task in your TFS/VSTS instance that will allow you to deploy Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services packages.
Aside of deploying packages it will also enable you to supply a list in form of an xml or json file in which you will be able to specify the SSIS Environments and environment variables. Optionally, environments can be mapped via the configuration file to your projects.
For this task to run you will need "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo", "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" and related libraries registered in GAC. This libraries are usually added by installing Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) on your agent server.
The different parameters of the task are explained below:
- ISPAC file(s): Specify the location of your Integration Service packages (ISPAC files). Wildcards can be used. For example,
for all ispac files in all sub folders."
- Server Name: Provide the SQL Server name like, machinename\FabriakmSQL,1433 or localhost or .\SQL2012R2. Specifying localhost will connect to the Default SQL Server instance on the machine.
- Authentication: Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, build service account, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.
- SQL User name: Provide the SQL login to connect to the SQL Server. The option is only available if SQL Server Authentication mode has been selected.
- SQL Password: Provide the Password of the SQL login. The option is only available if SQL Server Authentication mode has been selected.
- Initial Catalog: SSISDB catalog name for the Integration Services. Default to master
- Shared Catalog: If not selected, prior the deployment of your packages, the catalog will be dropped. If marked as shared (e.g. in case it is used by other applications), the catalog will not be dropped and extra checks will be made during the deployment. In case you marked your catalog as shared but no catalog is present on the server, a new catalog will be created with a catalog password equal to 'P@ssw0rd'
- Drop project before deploy: If selected, before deploying your SSIS package, the corresponding project on the server will be dropped. By default is set to true.
- Catalog Password: Catalog password protects the database master key that is used for encrypting the catalog data. Save the password in a secure location. It is recommended that you also back up the database master key. This option is only available if Shared Catalog is not set.
- SSIS folder Name: Folder name in the SSIS Package Store.
- Environment configuration file: Path to the configuration file. Wildcards are not allowed.
Example of the configuration file
Following an example of the configuration file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<description>My Environments</description>
<Project Name="BusinessDataVault" />
<Project Name="Configuration" />
<description>Initial Catalog</description>
<description>Max Files To Load by dispatcher </description>
As you can see, you need to define an environment element which contains name and description. In ReferenceOnProjects element you will need to list all of the projects on which the current environment needs to be reference to. Under variables you need to enlist all of the variables that you would like to be added to your environment. Variable elements are following:
- name - The name of the variable
- type - The type of the variable. A string matching any of the enum elements in System.TypeCode
- value - The value of the variable
- sensitive - true to the variable that is sensitive; otherwise, false. Sensitive values are encrypted in the catalog and appear as a NULL value when viewed with Transact-SQL or SQL Server Management Studio.
- description - For maintainability, the description of the variable.
The same values can be passed in also as a json file with the following structure:
"name": "MyEnv",
"description": "My Environments",
"referenceOnProjects": [ "BusinessDataVault", "Configuration" ],
"variables": [
"name": "CLIENTToDropbox",
"type": "Boolean",
"value": "1",
"sensitive": "false",
"description": ""
"name": "MaxFilesToLoad",
"type": "Int32",
"value": "31",
"sensitive": "false",
"description": "Max Files To Load by dispatcher"
Release notes
- 1.0.11 - Fix on project referencing. Updated to Azure DevOps categories #14
- 1.0.9 - Minor fix for compatibility reasons.
- 1.0.8 - Added initial catalog option. #10 Small fix on referencing #6
- 1.0.6 - Minor adjustments. No changes to the task.
- 1.0.4 - Added 'Drop project before deploy' option #2
Feel free to notify any issue in the issues section of this GitHub repository.