This is a test version of BI Test System (BITS). With BITS, we can write automation tests in C# to compare result sets returned by data source queries. As BITS is built onup Microsoft Unit Test Framework for Managed Code, the automations can be managed and scheduled with Test Manager and TFS.
Here is how a test method looks. [TestMethod] publicvoid aMeasure_by_aDimension_should_be_same_as_dw() { var dwExpected =DataExecutionEngine.ExecuteDataSet("aDW", @"SELECT [Column1], [Column2] FROM [aTable]");
var cubeActual =DataExecutionEngine.ExecuteDataSet("aCube", @"SELECT [Measures].[aMeasure] ON 0, [aDimension].[aHierachy].MEMBERS ON 1 FROM [aCube]");
DataAssert.AreEquivalent(dwExpected, cubeActual); }