A 2015 preview can be downloaded here:
I changed the name and will soon make a separate page here on visualstudiogallery.com
The Configuration options e.g. for the small comment:
Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > MA Small Comment
and everything else:
Options > Multi Adornment > General
The ForegroundColor of 'MA #Region' is now the Textcolor for collapsed Regions!
The Foregorundcolors of 'MA #Else' ... 'MA #Region Border' have no functionality, only the Backgroundcolors.
2014-04-13 - Update: v2.2.6.0
- moved region adornments before the selection layer
- fixed capital X being recognized as deleted-comment
- added C/C++ content types to comment modules
- added C/C++ content types to region modules
- added C/C++ '#pragma region' and '#pragma endregion' keywords
- added support for multi-line comment code blocks
- added option for displaying or hiding collpased region adornments
Older release notes: https://bitbucket.org/michaelvolz/redmuffin.multiadornment/wiki/Release%20Notes
// x deleted// - small// + big// ! important// ? question
// ! important//?question//+ big// -small
// HACK: this is clearly a hack...
<!-- + even HTML comments work in all supported files -->
@* ? finally, Razor comments *@
public string Property { get; /* ! 'multi-line comment' */ set; }
/// <devdoc>/// ! Make sure this is tripple checked!/// </devdoc>
start <!-- ! HTML --> <div>something</div> @* ? Razor *@ lorem /* multi-line */ <div>something else</div> // Note: and the end
The extension is open source and can be downloaded from:
Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!