Code Completion
My first simple Visual Studio extension. It enables "in-time" code completion in the source code. This firtst version supports adding #region name to correspondent#endregion statement. Everytime you set or update the region name (it can only one char of the name), it is immediately propagated to its#endregion, as you can see on the image bellow. Note: Comments after region name are ignored. Version - Fix of the behavior wneh extension was correctly loaded into IDE, but not workink at all - although it was possible to setup it in IDE. After long investigation, it is somehow caused by new version of manifest v. It was probably caused by migration to VS2015 project.
Version - Removement of the .NET 4.5 dependency which caused that it was not possible to install the extension although the framework was correctly installed
Version - Added support for Visual Studio 2015
Version - Added options window to be able to set own region names
Version - Instead of textbox in the Create Region window there is now editable combobox with predefined region names.
Version - Visual Studio 2013 support
Version - Added option to editor context menu to surround selected text with region. How to do it:
Version - Removed additional space added after "#endregion" - Added support for Visual Studio 2012
Version - Hotfix of the bad file upload |